Missed It


Daily Scripture Readings

Monday: Hebrews 3:1-6

Tuesday: Hebrews 3:7-11

Wednesday: Exodus 17:1-8

Thursday: Numbers 20:1-13

Friday: Hebrews 3:12-19

Saturday: Hebrews 4:1-2

Sunday: Hebrews 4:3-11

Opening Prayer

Father, Thank you for your goodness and mercy toward us. Help us to not miss the great promise you have extended to us–the promise of your rest. Strengthen us to encourage one another that we would not turn away but instead remain steadfastly yours, always.  AMEN.


A number of years ago, I found out that my favorite writer and speaker was going to be speaking for free at a venue an hour and a half away. It was extremely short notice–the event was happening that night. In haste and excitement, I mustered as many friends as I could and when the time came to leave we had two carloads of people. I could barely contain my excitement and anticipation. A little ways into the drive, one of the people in our car offered to pray for our trip. Within moments of the prayer, the lead car in front of us blew a tire. We all pulled off to the side of the highway and took stock of the situation. There was no easy fix, at best we were going to be seriously late. Much like the tire, my excitement had punctured–I was completely deflated–ready to just turn back and head home. 

Have you ever experienced this kind of reversal? Seems parallel to the excitement of the New Year and the many corresponding resolutions that are made. But then, by the time February rolls around the tires are flat and the gym parking lots are back to empty. Have you experienced this? Is this a pattern in your life? In your walk with Christ?

Scripture has a lot to say about this. I want to bring your attention to this passage found in Hebrews 3:12-13:

12 See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God.

13 But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.   

The first point is recognizing the ways in which we have (or are in the process of) turning away from God. What does it mean to turn away from the Lord? It means to have a sinful, unbelieving heart–to lack faith, to question whether or not God is present, or working, or trustworthy, or even that God’s way is actually best. Unbelief is a hole in our spiritual tires. It will not only leave you deflated, unbelief will harden your heart.

The second point is our call as a community to “encourage one another daily,”. Encouragement is such a tremendous difference maker–so often it’s the plug that helps keep us from deflating and backsliding. Encouragement keeps us on course so that together we can experience the fullness of what God has for us. 

Back on the roadside, when I was ready to quit because my expectations were shattered, I found two carloads full of friends who were unwilling to give up. They encouraged me, “So what if we’re late. It’s still worth going. Let’s figure this out.” You know what, they were right. I wonder, Who can you encourage today? And What faithful, encouraging friends are you surrounding yourself with to ensure that you don’t turn away?  


Holy Habits


Eyes On The Road - Week 5