Wait For It . . . Week 2


Daily Scripture Readings

Monday             Genesis 37:1-11

Tuesday            Genesis 37:12-36

Wednesday      Genesis 41:41-49

Thursday           Genesis 42:1-5

Friday                Genesis 50:15-21

Saturday           Acts 1:6-11

Opening Prayer

Gracious God, when we are waiting in the midst of uncertainty, remind us that you are always at work in the waiting.    In Jesus’ name we pray, AMEN.


Jesus' closest followers had seen him betrayed, crucified, and raised from the dead. They had been with the Lord after his resurrection — they had touched his scars, shared meals with him, and heard his voice. They had an incredible story to tell, and the world desperately needed to hear their message. However, they lacked one crucial ingredient to begin their mission: They did not have the Holy Spirit. Jesus told them to wait! In spite of the urgency of the disciples' mission, everything was on hold until Jesus poured out the promised Holy Spirit. No matter how well we think we may be ready to do great things for God, we must also remember that we are not ready to begin without the power of the Holy Spirit!



Wait For It . . . Week 3


Wait For It . . .