Here’s The Story - Week 5
Daily Scripture Readings
Monday Matthew 10:1-15
Tuesday Matthew 10:16-23
Wednesday Matthew 10:24-42
Thursday 2Corinthians 11:7-12:10
Friday 2Corinthians 4:1-6
Saturday 2Timothy 2:14-26
Opening Prayer
Almighty God, grant that those who worship you this day may present their bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, and acceptable to you. By the power of your holy spirit make us strong to fulfill our ministry this day. In the name of Christ. Amen.
For a spiritual life is simply a life in which all that we do comes from the center, where we are anchored in God: a life soaked through and through by a sense of his reality and claim, and self-given to the great movement of his will.
Most of our conflicts and difficulties come from trying to deal with the spiritual and practical aspects of our life separately instead of realizing them as parts of one whole. If our practical life is centered on our own interests, cluttered up by possessions, distracted by ambitions, passions, wants and worries, beset by a sense of our own rights and importance, or anxieties for our own future, or longings for our own success, we need not expect that our spiritual life will be a contract to all this. The soul's house is not built on such a convenient plan: there are few soundproof partitions in it.
The Spiritual Life by Evelyn Underhill