Boy Scouts of America (Ages 5-18)
Scouts BSA Pack 540
Chartered by Due West MC since 1964
Cub Scouts (Boys and girls ages K-5th grade)
Cubmaster: Alan Teague, cubmaster@pack540.net or 404-403-1059
Scouts BSA Troop 540
Chartered by Due West MC since 1964
Scouts BSA (Young men ages 11 through 17)
Scoutmaster: James Kammerdiener, jamesk9000@aol.com or 770-401-1233
Scouts BSA Troop 5400
Chartered by Due West MC since February 2019
Scouts BSA (Young women ages 11 through 17)
Scoutmaster: Vicky Baldridge, vrbaldridge@yahoo.com or 513-259-8262
American Heritage Girls (Ages 5-18)
American Heritage Girls is a Christ-centered national character development organization dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country.
Troop 4224 chartered by Due West MC since 2013
Troop Coordinator: Heather Simoneau, hlsimoneau@gmail.com or 678-545-4578
Girls Scouts of America (Ages 5-18)
We have several units of Girl Scouts that meet here at Due West representing different age groups. To obtain a current listing of those units and their leaders please click here to contact the Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta, Inc. They can also explain how to form a new unit.
If you have any other questions or informational updates for this webpage, please contact Bill Coffeen, Due West's Chartered Organization Representative at (770) 757-8147 or billcoffeen@gmail.com
Contact us.
Bill Coffeen, Due West's Chartered Organization Representative