Music Ministry

Have an eye to God in every word you sing.

– John Wesley

NEW Music Scholarship Fund!

Click below to learn more or to donate!


Adult Choir.

Adult Choir sings during the 11am worship service. Choir meets for rehearsals on Wednesdays at 7 pm in the Building A Choir Room. We always have music ready for visitors, so come join us as we sing praise together!

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Orchestra plays on a rotating basis during the 11am worship service. Due West Orchestra features instrumentalists of all levels, as well as a rhythm section. Rehearsals are Wednesdays at 7 pm in the Building A Sanctuary. Let us know your instrument and we’ll prepare music for you. This is a great way to serve the Lord with that instrument you learned in high school!

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Modern Worship Team.

Our Modern Worship Praise Team is an auditioned volunteer group that serves weekly at the 9:45 service. We encourage you to schedule an audition (drums, bass, guitar, keyboards or vocals) and share your talent with your church to enhance our time of worship!

Current Needs: Bass

But we will always audition new folks on Keys, Drums, Guitars and Lead Vocals.

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Chancel Choir.

The Chancel Choir serves at our 8:30 am service. Solos and ensembles for that service are formed within this group. Rehearsals are at 11 am on Wednesdays in the Building A Choir Room. We look forward to adding new members and we even have music ready for you!

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Our Handbell Ministry includes a five-octave set of Malmark handbells. Two groups rehearse regularly, including the Carillon Ringers (18 and older) and the JuBELLation Ringers (6th grade and older). Handbell choirs serve at the 8:30 and 11am traditional services on a rotating basis. We’d love to talk to you about ringing for Jesus!

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Youth Choir.

The Youth Choir is open to all 6th-12th graders and meets Wednesdays at 6pm in the Building A Sanctuary. Students will develop their skills in music, participate in student-led devotions, and have several opportunities to lead in worship here at Due West UMC, around the city, and beyond! Join us this week!

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Children’s Choir.

Due West Children’s Choir is the first step in the music ministry at Due West and meets on Wednesdays at 6pm in the Building A Choir Room. Kids from kindergarten through 5th grade sing songs together, learn about vocal production and music notation, and focus our praise on God. First-time visitors are welcome!

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For information about our Bluegrass Gospel Jam, please email David Franklin:

Get in touch.

Maybe you’d like to learn more about music or ask if a certain group would be a good fit for you. I’d LOVE to hear from you and I’d love to tell you more about all the possibilities to use your gift of music at Due West Methodist. Reach out to me personally, and let’s talk about serving God’s people through song.


  • Due West Music Ministry: Where music is our passion, and worship is our mission.