Facility Usage
We are pleased that you are considering Due West MC for your upcoming event, and we look forward to working with you to find the perfect space. Please designate one person from your group to coordinate details about your event space. It is the responsibility of the person or group requesting the facility to become familiar with these guidelines and to ensure that they are observed.
A reservation for ANY ROOM OR SPACE on campus must be approved and placed on the church calendar. Please fill out the form below to seek approval. Once the form is submitted and reviewed, you will receive an email with the status of your request. When the event date has been confirmed and, if required, your Deposit and Building Usage Fee is paid, only then should you announce your event to your group.
Is your event a fundraiser? If so, all fundraising events must be approved by the Finance Committee before a room/space will be confirmed. (See Fundraising Guidelines and Request Form).
Please also be aware that if you are requesting use of the facility on an ongoing basis (ie: weekly, bi-monthly or monthly) there may be times when we cannot accommodate your group due to a Church function or other Ministerial need. You will be notified of any conflict as soon as possible.
I am looking forward to working with you on your upcoming event.
Denise Luders
Office Manager