Our Mission.
Inviting our community to join us as we gather together, grow in Jesus Christ, and go serve.
How does our logo represent our mission?
Yellow Leaf
The yellow element represents “gather”. It is the higher of the three elements circling the center (generally the starting point for anyone coming to Due West.) Yellow promotes the light and life of Christ as we worship and celebrate in our gatherings.
Green Leaf
The green element points down and is for “grow”. It’s symbolic of a planting, or establishing a foundation. Green is used as a general notation of new growth. We grow in the love of Christ through our gatherings and the study of God's Word.
Blue Leaf
The blue element points upward and out. This illustrates the idea of going out and serving. The blue represents the oceans of the world that we may cross to serve.
Red Circle
The red circle in the center of all elements represents Jesus. He is the reason for what we do at Due West. The red represents the blood He shed for us and binds us together in our efforts to gather, grow and go.