Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.
- Matthew 28:19
Gather, Grow, Go!
Here at DWMC Missions, we want every person to be engaged in the missions’ ministry. We pray that you find a place to serve and join us as we live out our Mission Statement, “Inviting the Community to join us as Gather, Grow in Jesus Christ and Go Serve.”
To learn more about our 2024 Mission Trips CLICK HERE!
To join our monthly Email Newsletter CLICK HERE.
Local Missions
Ministry at the Oaks of Acworth Assisted Living Facility
Our ministry is to provide comfort and fellowship through the worship of the Lord to the residents of the facility and the residents of the memory care wing of this facility.
We are blessed to have volunteers from Due West join us as we visit The Oaks of Acworth Assisted Living on the first Sunday of each month to offer devotions and communion. We also enjoy games and crafts along with snacks and fellowship. We are also thankful for wonderful music as some of our talented Due West choir members always join us to offer praise in song.
If you would like to join us please contact the church office and ask for Millie.
Feeding Ministries
Due West Food Pantry
Our food pantry gives between 3-7 boxes of food to local families each month. We donate 3 boxes per month to Together with Families and to anyone who needs food that comes by the church. If you would like to contribute to the pantry, you can shop from this LIST or write a check to DWMC with Food Pantry in the subject line.
The LIST has every item we pack in each food box. Please know that you don’t have to contribute the whole list. All items are needed. However, the things that we need most are the meat items - Canned Tuna, Chicken, and Ham. We appreciate your generosity to those in need!
Project Backpack
Research indicates that hungry children do poorly in school and have lower academic achievement because they are not well prepared for school and cannot concentrate. Due West started Project Backpack to alleviate hunger in Clarkdale Elementary & Frey Elementary Schools +15 years ago. We are currently providing weekend meals for 180 children each week.
Each Friday, the students pick up a paper bag with 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, 2 fruits, and 2 snacks for the weekend. Research has shown that the children participating in this ministry have improved attendance, grades, concentration and behavior. Donations are always appreciated! For a list of items to donate, CLICK HERE.
MUST Summer Lunch Program
Every year, MUST Summer Lunch Program begins at the end of May and runs through the end of July. Just like our Backpack program feeds kids on weekends, the summer lunch program feeds kids all week during the summer.
We pack lunches each Tuesday and deliver them each Thursday throughout the summer. Each child receives 5 breakfast, 5 lunch, and 5 snack items each week. Each week, it takes a total of 875 breakfast, lunch, and snack items to fill the bags for 175 kids. There are 10 weeks of summer. It takes a lot of donations and a lot of volunteers for this program!
You can make a difference by helping with this ministry!
Single serve breakfast, lunch, and snack items are requested. CLICK HERE for a list of food to donate. You bring food donations (preferred) to the white donation bins in any of the three buildings on our campus.
Volunteer signups are posted in the Missions Newsletter, Church Newsletter, and Insight beginning in Mid-May.
Teach Love Ministry
The Teach Love Ministry exists to show God’s Love to our area teachers. Teachers have an awesome responsibility in educating God’s children. The requirements of today’s teachers differ from those of 10, 20 + years ago. Teachers continually take on more “roles” at school and those roles continue to expand. If we can help ease their burden by showing them the love that God and our community has for them, then hopefully some of their stress will be relieved a bit and their faith strengthened. Bringing people to Christ is the ultimate goal.
Teach Love has a private Facebook page called ‘Teacher Recess at Due West’ that local teachers can join for posts that lift their morale and strengthen their faith! You must apply to join the group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/1613373175835241
Teach Love also has a confidential email address where teachers can email us with needs or prayer requests - teachloveministry@gmail.com
Help us to love people around us in a way that blesses them in every circumstance. Proverbs 17:17
Local School Support
We support local schools with school supply donations each August and various events for teachers through our Teach Love Ministry.
Due West Elementary
Frey Elementary
Clarkdale Elementary
Compton Elementary School
Russell Elementary School
City View Elementary School
Tapp Middle School
Harrison High School
Osborne High School
Christmas Angel Tree Gifts
Due West adopts a few children each year from Compton Elementary School for the holidays. Each student receives an outfit, jacket, socks and underwear, and an item from their wish list.
The Craddock Center
Led by our Choir and Preschool Ministries
Located in Cherry Log, Ga the Craddock Center works to ensure seamless education and family support to families in the NE GA mountain region.
Horizon Therapeutics
Special Needs Sports and Activities in Acworth
The Horizon League and the City of Acworth’s Therapeutic programs are to provide children and adults with physical, social, and cognitive disabilities the opportunity to participate in adaptive programs. Classes and programs are planned according to the principles of Therapeutic Recreation (TR). TR uses strategies to address the social/emotional, cognitive, physical, and leisure needs of those impacted by illness, injury, or disability.
To learn more go to: https://acworth-ga.gov/parks-recreation-and-community-resources/horizon-therapeutics/
Homeless Families and Children’s Ministries
Homeless Family Support
Due West supports families that live in extended stay hotels though bible studies, game days, and with financial support.
MUST Ministries
MUST Ministries is a faith-based organization which is dedicated to providing services to persons and families in crisis while maintaining their dignity. MUST brings people of many faiths together to respond to God's challenge to minister to others with compassion and love, without judgment of the beliefs, background or circumstances of those who serve or of those being served.
Together with Families
Serving Cobb County
We form relationships with families who are in a crisis of poverty, so they may trust us to help them navigate from crisis to calm, using concrete supports, coaching, and a community of others with lived experience, so all children can live safely with their families.
Simple Needs GA
The mission of Simple Needs GA is to meet the simple needs of children, people experiencing homelessness, and others in need, while inspiring our community to do the same.
Simple Needs GA has many ways you can volunteer throughout the year. You can help on the days of their donation drives, or assemble duffel bags (Comfort Kits) with toiletries, there are even administrative tasks you can do! Volunteers need to be a minimum of 8 years old and anyone under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Habitat for Humanity
Led by the Methodist Men
Due West Missions supports Habitat for Humanity in building homes to help families transition from homelessness to stable housing. https://www.habitat.org/
1st Responder Support - Cobb County Police
Wrap with a Cop
Our friends from the Cobb County Police Department identify families that need assistance each Christmas and do the shopping. Here at Due West, we get together and wrap the presents! This is a fun family activity for all ages.
Pumpkin Decorating with a Cop
In October, come visit our Pumpkin Patch and decorate your pumpkin with our local Cobb County Police Department! We schedule an afternoon for our local police to come out and decorate pumpkins with families. Great for all ages!
Global Missions
Mission Trips 2024!
Due West offers several mission trips each year. The trips range in length as well as trip style. Many of our trips have long term relationships with our partners. To learn more about our 2024 Mission Trips CLICK HERE or contact Mark Hellman.
Operation Christmas Child
Want to make a child smile at Christmas this year? Show God's love to a child far away with your shoebox gifts to Operation Christmas Child. More information is sent out each October in our weekly Insight email, the Church Newsletter, and the Missions Newsletter.
Welcome to Missions at Due West!
Thank you for visiting our webpage!
For up to date information about our current missions,
please click the button below to subscribe to our monthly MailChimp newsletter.
For more information about Missions please contact:
Mark Hellman - Missions Director - mhellman@duewest.org
Millie Skinner - Administrative Assistant for Missions and Youth - mskinner@duewest.org