Stories From The Wilderness


Daily Scripture Readings

Monday         Daniel 6:1-5

Tuesday        Daniel 6:6-9

Wednesday   Daniel 6:10-18

Thursday       Daniel 6:19-24

Friday            Daniel 6:25-28

Saturday        Exodus 36:2-7 

Opening Prayer

Gracious God, help us to see that even in the wilderness you offer us hope.



Have you ever felt like you were in a war you couldn’t win? Maybe your dream job turned out to be miserable. Or your happily ever after was actually a strained marriage. It could be that the child you prayed over for so long made one poor decision after another. There are times in life when we feel helpless to fight the battles we’re facing.

In Exodus 14, the Israelites were camped out with the Red Sea ahead of them, the desert behind them, and the Egyptian army closing in. There was nowhere to go and they were powerless against their enemy. But the Israelites didn’t have to form a battle plan or even raise a sword because God was their weapon. In Exodus 14:14, Moses tells the people, “The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still.”

God didn’t just know the struggles the Israelites were facing, He also knew how they would overcome them. So He put the people where they needed to be, where victory would be won. God parted the Red Sea letting the Israelites cross on dry ground. As the Egyptians followed in pursuit, God let the waters go, destroying the entire army. He won the battle for them.

No matter what kind of war you’re in, God is your weapon. You are right where He wants you and you have everything you need to win because He is fighting for you.,where%20victory%20would%20be%20won.


Stories From The Wilderness-Week 2


Making Room