Stories From The Wilderness-Week 6


Daily Scripture Readings

Monday        2 Corinthians 5:7

Tuesday        Proverbs 3:5-6

Wednesday   Romans 10:17

Thursday       Ephesians 2:10

Friday            Philippians 4:13

Saturday       Matthew 13:1-9

Opening Prayer

Gracious God, help us to be willing to step out in faith where You lead.

In Jesus’ name,



God calls us to sit still and sometimes He calls us to move in faith in a certain direction.

Stepping out of faith sounds easy, but it means leaving our comfort zone and facing our deepest fears. Yet, we so badly want God to answer us but usually only within our own comfort. The path ahead may seem frightening, especially when you do not have all of the answers. Often, our lack of faith hinders us from stepping out with full dependence on Him. But God calls us to trust in Him and step out in faith.

When God does respond to you, are you ready to obediently step out in faith?


Parable of the Soils


Stories From The Wilderness-Week 5