
Daily Scripture Readings

Monday: Hebrews 11:1-6

Tuesday: Hebrews 12:7-12

Wednesday: Hebrews 12:13-19

Thursday: Hebrews 12:20-28

Friday: Hebrews 11:29-31

Saturday: Hebrews 11:32-40

Sunday: Hebrews 12:1-3

Opening Prayer

Kind Father, We often find that life is hard. It pushes and pulls us in every direction. Lord, we thank you that you have worked in the lives of your people throughout the ages. Give us eyes of faith to see the great cloud of witnesses that is surrounding us; cheering us on. In Jesus’ name we pray, AMEN. 


For many people, summer is a time to travel–to go on vacation. Part of embarking on these adventures is packing your bags–deciding what to bring along. Are you a good packer? Do you bring along everything but the kitchen sink? Or are you a minimalist–you take the bare minimum?  Do you forget things you later realize you really needed? Have you ever had that experience where there was that thing you (or someone you were with) really needed and you remembered to pack it?

This month, we’re going to be talking about packing, more specifically about baggage and not just for vacation but for life. Because having the right baggage, for life especially, really matters. I’m convinced that one of the best things we can take with us on our journey is one that is so often forgotten.

Hebrews 12:1 talks about being “surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses”, that cloud is depicted throughout Hebrews 11 (the bulk of our reading this week). Some folks like to call Hebrews 11, the Faith Hall of Fame–this is an incredible and inspiring chapter outlining God’s work and faithfulness in the lives of people throughout the ages. Interestingly, the people listed are not without faults or brokenness, men and women are listed, and not everyone referenced here had an easy go of it (some anything but). Still the thread that holds it all together is faith. Faith in a God who promised and who has time and again shown Himself faithful.

Life has a way of distracting us, it’s not too hard to find yourself fixated on the problem or circumstances at hand (or coming down the pike). Can you relate? I’m convinced, along with the writer of Hebrews, that one of the best things we can carry with us is a faithful recognition of the heritage we have in Christ–to remember time and again the cloud of witnesses that surrounds us!

Read and relate:  Consider who’s in your cloud; not just those listed in Hebrews 11 but Who are the people who have lived out their faith in your life, have faithfully poured into you? How does their faith, and testimony strengthen and encourage yours?    


BAGGAGE - Week 2
