BAGGAGE - Week 3


Daily Scripture Readings

Monday: Genesis 1:1-19

Tuesday: Genesis 1:20-2:3

Wednesday: Exodus 20:1-7

Thursday: Exodus 20:8-17

Friday: Hebrews 3:1-19

Saturday: Hebrews 4:1-11

Sunday: Hebrews 12:1-3

Opening Prayer

Kind Father,

We thank you because you are a God who rests, who encourages us, your people, to rest. In the Sabbath you invite us to enjoy you, one another, and the goodness of creation. Lord, help us to enter your rest, to trust you and to take a break–to lay down, if need be, good things in our lives so that we can experience the greater goodness of packing space. In Jesus’ name we pray, AMEN.


During my time overseas, our squad (of about 40 people) had an interesting practice before we traveled to the next country. We called it the “Free Table” and it was essentially a place for people to discard their unwanted baggage (and also if you so desired, to grab something for free before it hit the trash can). The Free Table, especially early on, was a very interesting commentary on what people thought they needed versus what they actually needed (and were willing to carry around). Truth be told, there were some good and valuable things that graced the Free Table. While it may have been hard for people to let go of those things, they also got to experience the unique joy and peace that comes with packing space.

One of the distinctives of God and His people throughout the Scripture is the practice of Sabbath Keeping. It’s a unique way of packing space! God created the earth in six days, and then spends the seventh day resting–enjoying and validating the goodness of creation. When God leads His people out of Egyptian bondage and captivity and begins to help define and form them into a particular people; a contrast community called to reflect His goodness and character to the world–He gives them the 10 commandments. Number four on that list? Sabbath Keeping.

Earlier in the sermon of Hebrews (Chapter 3-4), the sermon writer contends that we should all faithfully embrace God’s promises and share in God’s rest (Hebrews 4:10-11). How do we do that? Sabbath keeping isn’t a bad place to start!

How do I keep the Sabbath well? Here are a couple guiding principles–Sabbath Keeping is about connecting with God and those around you. Maybe that means going to church. Maybe that looks like enjoying a meal together as a family. Sabbath Keeping doesn’t have to be on Sunday. Jews practice Sabbath (Shabbat) from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. Sabbath Keeping is about resting from productive work–it’s a chance to push back against the relentless hustle; and declare–”The work that I have been able to do is enough.” If you work day to day with your hands, Sabbath keeping may be a time to engage your mind and vice versa. Sabbath keeping is intended to be fun! Do something that sounds fun to you and invite someone else along! Unplugging from your devices is a good place to start. Finally, Sabbath Keeping is best done in community–talk as family or friends and find out how you can practice Sabbath well together.

Have you had a time in your life when you practiced Sabbath well? What was it like? What are the things keeping you from resting and enjoying the Sabbath?


BAGGAGE - Week 4


BAGGAGE - Week 2