Rebuilding the Broken - Week 3


Daily Scripture Readings

Monday          Ezra 4:17-24

Tuesday         Esther 3

Wednesday   Esther 4

Thursday       Acts 7:1-9

Friday             Acts 7:30-60

Saturday        Nehemiah 4:6-14       

Opening Prayer

Lord Jesus, help us to step out in faith and to have faith that is larger than our fears. In Jesus’ name,  AMEN


First, Nehemiah’s authenticity opens up the possibility of the king’s question, “What is it you want?” While no guarantee of outward favor or success, it is worth noting that authenticity with ourselves can make important conversations possible, which is what we see in this instance.

Second, Nehemiah is still praying. He fasted and prayed for an undisclosed period so that some door would open. Now it has. The king asks what he wants! Prayer for Nehemiah is like breath. Paul would have praised him for praying without ceasing. Prayer is his first response, not his last resort. God is his constant companion, so in the short span between hearing the king’s question and opened his mouth to reply, Nehemiah prays.

Third, Nehemiah claims the calling upon his heart. He shows appropriate deference to the king while at the same time stating his desire plainly. He requests that the king “send me to the city in Judah where my ancestors are buried so that I can rebuild it.” This is what is on his heart. When asked, he is truthful.


Rebuilding the Broken - Week 4


Rebuilding the Broken - Week 2