BE The Church - Part 2


Daily Scripture Readings

Monday          Galatians 4:8-16

Tuesday         Galatians 4:17-20

Wednesday   Galatians 4:21-25

Thursday      Galatians 4:26-27  

Friday            Galatians 4:28-5:1

Saturday        Galatians 5:7-12

Opening Prayer

Gracious God, help us to focus our priorities.   Let us not get lost in things that don’t matter, but let us focus on the only thing that counts.                

In Jesus name, Amen.


In this text, the Apostle Paul wrote these strong words to the church at Galatia to refute the Judaizers false Gospel that circumcision (works)  and grace are the means in which salvation is obtained. In other words, salvation is not apart from works. Something else has to be added to "GRACE". 

Everything needed to be done to atone for our sins was done at the cross once and for all. Faith in God's atoning work of "GRACE" on our behalf at the cross is what is required of us and nothing else.

Regardless of the Judaizers theory of salvation by works (circumcision) added to grace,  the truth of the matter is that in Christ, circumcision or uncircumcision of the flesh means nothing where salvation is concerned. Faith expressed through Love is all that matters.    Debra Aiken


BE The Church - Part 3


BE The Church