BE The Church - Part 4


Daily Scripture Readings

Monday          Matthew 28:16-20

Tuesday          Luke 9:51-55

Wednesday   John 4:4-14

Thursday       John 4:15-20

Friday             John 4:21-27

Saturday        Matthew 28:16-20

Opening Prayer

Gracious God, open our hearts and our ears to help us to Be the Church you have called us to be.   In Jesus’ name, AMEN


When I was about seven years old, my mother became bedridden with tuberculosis, making it impossible for her to take care of my two brothers and me. But still she invested in our spiritual growth. Although she had to rely on others to provide us with physical nutrition, she made sure we received spiritual nutrition. She would write down the Lord’s Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and Psalm 23 for us to learn. She would give us Bible verses to memorize every day, and I still remember her face beaming with joy when we spoke those verses aloud for her. She passed on her habit of reading The Upper Room devotional every day, and it was through her that we grew in faith.

My mother’s commitment to our spiritual growth became one of her most important legacies. After she died, we held on to our faith and grew into an even stronger relationship with God. This closeness to God has helped us through times of grief and other challenges of life.

Even though our mother was with us for only a short period of time, I am grateful that she taught us how to praise and serve God. Just as my mother encouraged us in our faith, we can be mentors to others as they grow in faith.

                                                 From The Upper Room


BE The Church - Part 5


BE The Church - Part 3