Who Are You Really?


Daily Scripture Readings

Monday          Colossians 1:1-2

Tuesday         Colossians 1:3-14

Wednesday   Colossians 1:15-20

Thursday       Colossians 1:21-23

Friday            Colossians 1:24-29

Saturday John 16:27-33

Opening Prayer

Gracious God, let me live as a holy and faithful brother or sister In Christ.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.


We ended yesterday with the questions: Is everything destined by its very nature to be in Him? Is everything made by Him and for Him? Is that destiny written not in the inscrutable will of God, but written into our nerves, our tissues, our blood, our organs, our very souls, our relationships? Are we destined, by our makeup, to be Christian, to be in Him? Is He the ground of our being, the homeland of our souls? When we find Him, do we find ourselves?

When we lose Him, do we lose ourselves? These questions, boiled down to one—Is He our life?—are the most important questions, barring none, that can be asked of life and destiny. If they can be answered in the affirmative, then it is all over but the shouting. You cannot live against life and get away with it.

 Life will have the last word, whoever has the first or the intermediate words. You cannot buck the nature of the universe and not get hurt, for “the stars in their courses will fight against Sisera” (see Judges 5:20).

It was this interpretation which I presented in my book The Way. If I had one thing and only one thing to leave as a life contribution, I would unhesitatingly choose this: the Christian way is the way, and that way is written not merely in the Bible, but into the structure of reality—in us and in our relationships.

The fact is that the Christian way is called the way: “Saul . . . if he found any belonging to the Way . . .” (Acts 9:1–2); “but when some were stubborn and disbelieved, speaking evil of the Way . . .” (19:9); “About that time there arose no little stir concerning concerning the Way” (19:23). The Christian way is the way—the way to do everything; not merely the way of salvation, but the way.

 In Christ by  E. Stanley Jones


Who Are You Really?


Be The Church - Revisited