
Daily Scripture Readings

Monday           II Corinthians 8:1-7

Tuesday          II Corinthians 8:8-12

Wednesday   II Corinthians 8:13-15

Thursday       II Corinthians 8:16-21

Friday            II Corinthians 8:22-24

Saturday        Luke 1:26-38

Opening Prayer

Gracious God, lead us to live as koinonia partners with Christ and with each other.  In Jesus’ name, AMEN


Paul realized that spreading the Gospel was a team effort. He may have attracted attention because of his visibility. Yet he knew that this ministry would not have been possible without the partnership of people like the Philippian Christians.

Writing from his Roman prison, Paul recalled with joy the fact that these Philippians had been “my partners in spreading the Good News.” The word here translated “partners” is koinonia, a word that embodies working together.

How did they participate in this partnership? One important way was through their financial gifts. These made it possible for Paul to take the Gospel throughout the world. He wrote them how “even in Thessalonica you sent a gift more than once for my needs.”

This required personal sacrifices, but their gift was “an acceptable sacrifice, well-pleasing to God.” Because of their sacrifices, Paul stressed that God would bless them. In fact, they could be sure that He would supply all their needs (Philippians 4:16-19).

This same principle is true today. The burden of spreading the Gospel should be shared by the entire Body of Christ. When we as individuals give to a ministry, we are partners in that ministry. We share in the fellowship of God’s call. We may not attract attention, but without the sacrificial gifts of individual Christians, the work of ministry could not take place.

Ask God to help you know how you can be a partner in the Gospel. You may be called to “go,” or just to “give.” But always focus on serving God with your life. As He directs you, learn to give sacrificially unto Him, trusting Him to meet all your needs.




