
Daily Scripture Readings

Monday          Matthew 4:18–22

Tuesday         Luke 9:57-60

Wednesday   Luke 14:25-27

Thursday       John 12:23-26

Friday             Matthew 8:18-22

Saturday        Acts 2:42-47

Opening Prayer

Gracious God, help us to be an inviting congregation, following the example of Jesus who invites us to, “Come, follow me.”  In Jesus’ name, AMEN.


What Did Jesus Mean When He Said Follow Me?

Jesus was calling these men to leave their livelihoods immediately and to physically and spiritually follow him. Jesus was a Rabbi, a Teacher, and for Him to ask them to follow him in His travels and learn from Him was an honor.

 The most excellent rabbinical students would never have left school to take a trade job such as fishing or tax collector.  So for these men, it meant continuing their spiritual education with the Messiah himself! (Even if they weren’t exactly sure what that meant…)

 When Andrew met Jesus for the first time, he spent the day with Him and then rushed home to tell his brother, “We have found the Messiah!” John 1:41 NIV.

 All these men left their jobs at once; leaving their old lives behind. They didn’t pepper Jesus with questions or hesitate indecisively. They were “all in” to follow their Teacher and Messiah and commit to His lifestyle and mission.

 Matthew Follows Jesus

Matthew was a Jew who collected taxes for the Roman government.  It was a lucrative business, as tax collectors worked on commission. Many overcharged, and the Jews hated them.

The religious leaders considered tax collectors “unclean” because of their close contact with the Romans.  Matthew possibly had the most to lose by following Jesus.  Once he quit, there was no going back to tax collecting.

But for someone who spent his life feeling despised, to have Jesus call him to be a follower must have felt wonderful! It is entirely possible that Matthew had heard Jesus and his teachings or seen him perform miracles.  Either way, Matthew didn’t hesitate when called.


