Legacy Giving
What is Legacy Giving?
Imagine a world where peace and love reigns, where hunger and poverty no longer exist. God’s world. A life of abundance. This is why Jesus said, “I came so that they might have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). What if we as a church could reach and serve more people, younger people and more diverse people beyond our present capability to do so? What if we could quadruple our mission capacity without changing our annual budget? What if…? What if…? To understand how that is possible one must first understand what the three traditional pillars of giving are:
1. Tithes and offerings from income which support an operating budget
2. Major gifts from accumulated assets which support a capital budget
3. Bequests from lifetime assets which support an endowment
Most people are familiar with tithes and offerings since that is the time-honored way people have given for centuries. The second method of giving typically relates to the need for raising funds for new or expanded church facilities. The third pillar is rarely mentioned since most churches do not have endowments or they haven’t taken the time to educate their congregations about the value of such giving. The legacy ministry of Due West was created to change that.

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7
So, what is an endowment and how can it help?
An endowment is simply a pool of money whose principal is never touched but whose earnings are available to sustain and extend the mission of our church over time. The Legacy Ministry of our church is not a separate entity apart from other areas of the church but rather an integral part of its mission of inviting the community to join us as we gather together, grow in Jesus Christ and go serve. It is rooted in the Bible and our Wesleyan tradition.
It has been said that the purpose of an endowment is to grow the church of tomorrow, not embalm the church of today. Your church is so much more than sticks and bricks. It is people reaching out to others in love and service.
For example, mission work has always been at the heart of Due West Methodist Church. In lean times and in times of plenty, Due West members have supported efforts to spread the word of God throughout the world. From the streets of downtown Atlanta to an orphanage in Guatemala, our church has left a legacy of deeper understanding of the love of Jesus in all that we’ve touched.
The Legacy Ministry of Due West and its endowment ensures the work of the church can continue in perpetuity. Members can give a donation in the present or a planned gift through their wills. As the fund grows through careful investments the proceeds will fund ministries in and outside of the church. The larger the fund grows through faithful giving; the more money will be available to fund the priorities of the church outside the general yearly budget. (See Example)
Anyone can participate and leave a legacy to support, add and grow our church’s outreach. We ask that you join us in this great endeavor by becoming a member of our cornerstone society by donating to the endowment fund. (Give Now)

The Time is Now.
In deciding to contribute you are setting yourself apart as a visionary and a Sower of God’s seeds of faith and hope to be harvested long after you are gone. The appointed time in the purpose of God is called kairos. It’s about timeliness: the special moment when it’s the opportune time to say or do a particular thing. In Galatians 6:9-10 it says “let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time (kairos) we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. As we have opportunity (kairos), let us do good to all people…”
Estate Planning Seminars and Workshops
Your Legacy Ministry Committee sponsors quarterly programs throughout the year at no cost to participants. The programs typically run 2 to 3 hours on a single Saturday afternoon, depending upon the topic. Program announcements will appear in our church’s weekly Insight one month before the program date with links to sign up. The programs are typically restricted to 14 individuals. The programs we intend to continue offering are as follows:
Wills and Trusts
Living Documents (Healthcare directives, Durable powers of attorney, and HIPAA)
Effective Tax Planning through Planned Giving
Building Financial Literacy and Self-confidence (Women only)