December 2023 Newsletter
Keeping you updated as we gather, grow and go!
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Baby Names
If you have children, you remember the decision to name them. We chose to go with family names for our three. Our oldest got her first name from her great-great-grandmother on Susan’s side. The middle name came from Susan’s maternal grandmother. Our middle child is a “junior.” His first name, like mine, is James. He is the sixth generation of Campbells to carry the name James. Our youngest got Susan’s maiden name and my maternal grandmother’s name. At the end of the day, all sides of the family are represented in our three children’s names. That was important to us.
I have seen other people make different choices. We see baby names today that no one had thought of twenty years ago. Not saying they are bad choices at all, just different. But at the end of the day, if there are parents who love the child and chose the name, the child is blessed.
For all the parents who have struggled to come up with the perfect name, one story tops all others. It was a night two thousand years ago, in Bethlehem. If you have ever had the chance to visit the Church of the Nativity, you have seen the spot where Jesus was born. His parents didn’t choose the name, it was chosen for them. “You shall call the child Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins.” But as you know, that is not His only name.
He is also called, Alpha and Omega, Bright and Morning Star, Son of David, Good Shepherd, Bread of Life, Great I Am, Messiah, Emmanuel, King of Kings, Lord of Lords. And there are many, many others.
During the season of Advent, as we move toward the celebration of Christmas, we will talk about some of the names by which our Savior is called. We will talk about why He is called, “God Saves”, “God with us” and “Good News.”
I know December is a busy time, and there is a lot going on. There is a lot going on around Due West. I hope you will take advantage of all of our special services and celebrations. (Because Christmas Eve is a Sunday, please double check the calendar for service times!) But I especially hope you will join us on Sunday mornings for worship as we worship the One who is called Jesus!
If it’s Sunday, you want to be at Due West,
December 2 - Breakfast With Santa
December 2 - Cookies With Santa
December 2 - CFA Parent’s Night Out Fundraiser
December 3 - Hanging of the Greens/Family Advent Celebration/Light the Christmas Lights
December 3 - No Ignite
December 6 & 7 - Preschool Christmas Programs
December 9 - Women’s Christmas Brunch
December 9 - Messiah Sing-Along @ 6pm
December 10 - West Cobb Christmas 9 & 11 am in Bldg. A
December 10 - dwCrew Christmas party at Big Air
December 10 - Murphy-Harpst Youth Christmas Ball
December 11 - Golden Bells of Atlanta Concert @ 7:30 pm
December 14&15 - Preschool Christmas Programs
December 17 - PJ Ignite with Christmas Movie
December 19 - Wrap With A Cop
December 20 - Youth Christmas Gathering
December 21 - Longest Night Service
December 24 - Bldg. A @ 11am, 4pm, 6pm, 9pm; Bldg. C @ 5 pm
December 24 - No Ignite
December 25-29 - Church Closed for Christmas Holiday
December 31 - One service at 10 am in Bldg. A
December 31 - No Ignite
January 1 - Church Closed for New Year’s Day
January 7 - Disciple 2 begins
January 8 - Disciple 3 begins
January 17 - Disciple 1 begins
Support Groups
AA Open Meeting - Sundays @ 7:00 pm (Bldg A)
AA Women’s Group - Thursdays @ 7:00 pm (Bldg A)
GriefShare - Sundays @ 6:00 pm (Bldg C)
GRASP Support Group - Second Tuesday @ 7:00 pm (Bldg C)
S.O.S. Support Group - Second Thursday @ 7:00 pm (Bldg C)
Parkinson’s Support Group - Second Sunday @ 3:00 pm
Dementia Ministry Meetings
Spouse Support Group meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 9:00 am.
Spouse Group meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 1:00 pm.
Family Support Group meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm.
Currently, all meetings are being held via Zoom. For more information, please email
Weekly Exercise Classes (Bldg B)
Tone & Tighten @ 9:30 am (Nursery)
Pilates @ 9:30 am
Cardio-Sculpt @ 9:30 am (Nursery)
Pilates @ 9:30 am
Slow Flow Yoga @ 10:30 am
Zumba @ 9:30 am
Boot Camp @ 8:30 am (Nursery)
Stretch & Tone @ 9:30 am (Nursery)
Communion in December
Dec 3rd: Communion in worship
Dec 10th: After the 9:00 am and 11:00 am services in the Gathering Place, Bldg. A.
Dec 17th: 9:30 am in Bldg. C Library, 12:10 pm in the Gathering Place, Bldg. A.
Dec 24th: Christmas Eve Communion
Dec 31st: After the 10:00 am service in Bldg. A.
The Future
As most of you know, on August 27th, Due West voted to disaffiliate from The United Methodist Church. In 2022, 70 churches made that vote. In 2023, we were one of 266 churches who made that decision. That vote was contingent on approval of a vote of our Annual Conference, which took place on November 18th. We now have until the end of this year to comply with all of the requirements of the Annual Conference.
We know this brings many questions. What will change? What will the future look like? While things will be going on behind the scenes in December, our focus will be where it should be, on the celebration of the birth of our Savior. You will probably notice very little change.
And the truth is that in January, Due West will for the most part continue to look and feel like Due West always has. But it is an important time in the life of our congregation. We wanted you to know that you will begin to hear more about what this means in January. Not major changes, just an embrace of the church God is calling us to be in the future. One important thing you do need to know is that the name of the church will change from Due West United Methodist Church to Due West Methodist Church. Please, in December, begin making that change in your interactions with the church.
As always, continue to keep the church and our leadership in your prayers!
Poinsettia Dedications List
Please see the collection of graphics at the top of this page for the list, or view it in a better format with the PDF version of the newsletter!
The Due West Preschool Ministry will have registration for children who will be new to the school next fall beginning in January. We will have registration forms available on our website after January 22nd. You can schedule a tour so you can come to see our rooms, meet the staff, get answers to your questions about our program, and see why we’re certified as a “preschool of excellence”! You can schedule a tour by calling the preschool office at 770-590-0982 or email or If tours are completed by January 19th, you can be placed on our preferred list after our current students and siblings register.
Preschool Sunday School
Memory Verse: “God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son.” John 3:16, GNT
Christmas is such a special time of year! Preschoolers will experience a lot of excitement and wonder. We all do! But as they get older—and as we take time to stop and remember—we hope that the good news that God gave us Jesus will become the MOST wonderful part of Christmas. So get ready because we are hopping aboard the CHRISTMAS TRAIN, and it’s carrying the true story of Christmas!
Elementary Sunday School
Christmas - Celebrating Jesus, God’s greatest gift
Memory Verse: “A Child will be born to us. A Son will be given to us.” Isaiah 9:6, NIRV
With the busyness of the Christmas season, it’s easy to lose sight of why we celebrate in the first place. We forget that at the time of the first Christmas, God’s people were anticipating a Rescuer who would come and save the world. That’s what makes a countdown like an advent calendar so powerful. It allows us daily moments to stop and reflect on God, who loved us so much and sent Jesus to be our Savior. This December, we’re “decking the halls” and taking the whole month to focus on nothing but Christmas by celebrating Jesus, God’s greatest gift! We can’t wait to shine a spotlight on crucial moments in the story of Jesus’ birth as we countdown to Christmas. Because of Jesus, it’s possible for us to have a relationship with God that will last forever. As we take this month to count down to the fun of Christmas Day, let’s take time to remember the reason we celebrate in the first place: Jesus, the greatest gift the world has ever known.
dwCrew Christmas Party
Our dwCrew will be holding their annual Christmas Party at Big Air on December 10th from 1:00-2:30 and ALL 3rd-5th graders are welcome! Check in begins at 12:45 with a waiver to sign when dropping off your child. Cost is $5/child to reserve your space, dwCrew will be covering the rest. Drop off and pick up will be at their location in Hiram, GA.
We are looking forward to having a wonderful time and hope to see your child there!!
Wonderfully Made: Loved by God
The preteen years are tough. Changes are happening to them physically, mentally, and emotionally which makes it hard to know exactly what’s going on. Wonderfully Made provides kids ages 10–12 the opportunity to not only ask questions about growing up, but to get faith-based answers as well. This program covers physical development and spiritual connection while helping preteens establish a foundation for their life in Christ.
Wonderfully Made is a 3-day course for 5th & 6th grade students and their parents: Thursday evening (parents), Friday evening (students), Saturday (students in the am, all in the afternoon for lunch)
Coming February 8 - 10; Registration Opens December 1 - click the link below to register.
December 3rd- No Ignite
December 10th- Murphy-Harpst Christmas Ball
December 17th- PJs & Christmas Movie Night
December 20th- Youth Christmas Caroling & Party
December 24th & 31st- No Ignite
Ignite Sunday Nights
Ignite is a great time of fun and fellowship for 6th - 12th graders on Sunday nights in the Youth Center in Building C.
Sign up for or see all our monthly Mailchimp emails by clicking here.
Murphy-Harpst Christmas Ball
The Due West Youth Ministry has invited the youth from Murphy-Harpst to join us for a Christmas Ball! It will be held in the Sanctuary of Building C on Sunday, December 10th from 5:00-7:30 pm. We will have lots of food and fellowship, and even a DJ, so we can dance! Youth are asked to dress up in their Christmas best and are welcome to bring friends from school. We will collect gift cards from our youth and those cards will be given on Christmas Day to the youth at Murphy-Harpst. They request the cards be from Walmart, Amazon or Visa Gift cards ranging anywhere from $10-$50 to fill their stockings! Come enjoy an awesome night with us!
Parents- If you are interested in helping make this night a success by chaperoning or by bringing some of the needed food, click here!
Save the Date - Winter Trips
High School Ski Trip in West Virginia - February 17-20
Middle School Disney Trip to Florida - February 21-24
If you are interested in attending EITHER of these trips, please email so we can start our headcount!
Registration will open soon on ChurchCenter!
Youth Sunday School
Our favorite Christmas memories might involve snowball fights, presents, or time with people we love. The end of the year is a great chance for us to reflect on everything that’s happened and everyone around us. When we really think about it, there’s so much we can be thankful for each and every year — even if things didn’t work exactly how we planned. God has given us so much, and the birth of Jesus is a great way to focus on all of the gifts we’ve received this year. Retelling these classic Christmas stories will teach us about gratitude and thankfulness during this four-week series. As students hear about the prophecies and stories of Jesus’ birth, they’ll be reminded to be thankful for each other, what God has done, and God’s promises, and to be thankful even when it’s not easy.
We will meet every Sunday morning, except for December 24 and 31!
Youth Choir
Regular rehearsal every Wednesday from 6-6:45 pm in Sanctuary A. The Youth Choir is singing with the Adult Choir at the West Cobb Christmas Services on December 10th.
December Schedule:
Nov. 29 - regular rehearsal
Dec. 3 - Hanging of the Greens 5:00 pm, Rehearsal @ 3:30 pm
Dec. 6 - 6:00-9:00 pm rehearsal for West Cobb Christmas
Dec. 10 - West Cobb Christmas Service 9:00 & 11:00 am, Rehearsal @ 8:00 am
Dec. 13 - Christmas Party Rehearsal with Caroling Practice
Dec. 20 - Christmas Caroling at Sterling Estates Retirement Center w/ Youth Group 4:00-5:00 pm
Join our Christmas celebrations. Three opportunities to celebrate!
First, our Messiah Sing-Along will take place on December 9th at 6:00 pm here at Due West. Another opportunity to participate is on December 10th at 4:00 pm at Eastminster Presbyterian. This is a large group effort combining various community choirs and chamber orchestra for a ONE-TIME special event. You DO NOT want to miss this!
The next opportunity is on the morning of December 10th, when Due West Choirs and Orchestra will present “Christmas Tradition,” A West Cobb Christmas Celebration during Sunday morning Services. Please note the TIME and PLACE CHANGE of our first two services. All services will be held in the Building A Sanctuary. Services are 9:00 am and 11:00 am. Come and celebrate with us this Christmas!
And finally, you are invited to “ring in” the Christmas season with the Golden Bells of Atlanta, the metro area’s premier community handbell choir. Representing over 431 years of combined ringing experience, the Golden Bells will surely get you in the Christmas spirit with their entertaining variety of music – classical, traditional, sacred, and secular. The concert will be Monday, Dec. 11th at 7:30 pm in the Building A Sanctuary. As part of their outreach, Golden Bells will collect travel-sized toiletries and quarters at this concert. Tickets are not required, but a freewill offering will be available.
Registration is open now for “Encore” - a showcase for performers in grades 2-5. Shows will be the 1st weekend of March.
Little Mermaid Jr. Auditions
Auditions are taking place on December 5th, at 6:30 pm. Sign up on Church Center!
Parents’ Night Out
Parents’ Night Out: Christmas Edition is happening December 2nd from 5:00 - 9:00 pm. Registration is open now on Church Center. Cost is $25 for first child, $20 for child 2 & 3, and any kids beyond that are free!
Kindermusik Classes
We are now offering mommy and me (or caregiver and me) classes for babies and toddlers. These classes are offered in partnership with Kindermusik of West Cobb. Please see their site to register
Watercolor Classes for adults
Join us every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 10:30-12 for a fun watercolor class with Annette Lewis. Commit just one class at a time, and no experience is necessary - Annette will guide you step by step. Just bring yourself and your supplies, or if you don’t have supplies just let her know and Annette will provide those for you. Cost is $13 if you bring your own supplies, $18 if you’d like Annette to provide them. Simply send Annette a text at (404)-664-9906 if you’d like to join the class.
Instrumental lessons
We are thrilled to offer you lessons in piano, voice, guitar, bass guitar, ukulele and harmonica. If you are interested in private lessons in any of those things please send an email to Nicole at for more information.
Missions Newsletter - December
Check out our missions newsletter to learn more about all the church wide mission projects we have going on here at Due West!
Current Mission Projects
Reverse Advent Calendar Challenge - A Family Missions Project
Angel Trees for Local Elementary School Children Gifts due back by December 3rd
Due West Missions Connections
Teach Love Spreads the Love
Due West Preschool Donates to our Backpack Ministry
Mission Events
Wrap with a Cop - December 19th, 6-8pm in the Family Life Center
NEW Due West Missions Facebook Page!
Click HERE to read the Missions Newsletter for December.
Click HERE to have the monthly email newsletter delivered directly to your email inbox!
Angel Trees for Local Elementary School Kids
Due West adopted eight Compton Elementary School Students for the holidays this year!
All gifts should be wrapped and include the student number on the gift tag. Gifts can be returned to Admin 1 or 2 or left on the Angel Tree table in the narthex of either building.
The gifts for the adopted students need to be dropped off to the church by or before Sunday, December 3rd.
Extra large gift bags for each student are also needed! Please contact Millie Skinner if you would like to donate a gift bag or for more information.
Thank you for your generosity to kids in need!
Wrap With A Cop
Come join us in the Family Life Center (Building B) on December 19th from 6:00-8:00pm to wrap presents for local families in need. Our friends from the Cobb County Police Department have identified families that need assistance this Christmas and have already done the shopping! Gift bags and tissue paper are helpful, but not required. We are supplying the wrapping paper, scissors, and tape thanks to your generous donations from last year!
All we need is YOU!
Contact Mark Hellman for more information.
Disciple Bible Studies
Disciple 1 Bible Study:
Meets Wednesdays from 6:00-8:30 pm, in Building C Room 240. Starts Jan. 17th. Sign up now on Church Center.
Disciple 1 is called Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study. Disciple Bible Study is a deep exploration of the Bible and what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. This 34-week program of disciplined Bible study is aimed at developing strong Christian leaders. The study gives the Old and New Testaments equal time, emphasizing the wholeness of the Bible as a revelation of God. Disciple draws upon the work of scholars, the personal Bible reading and study of the participant, and dynamic group discussion to aid understanding of the Bible. Participants must commit to: 3.5-4 hours of independent study each week in preparation for weekly group meetings.
Disciple 2 Fast Track:
Meets Sundays from 5:30-7:00 pm, in Building C Room 232. Kick off/Introductory Meeting Dec. 17th. First meeting Jan. 7th. Sign Up now on Church Center.
Disciple 2 is called: Into the Word, Into the World. Into the Word helps readers deepen their understanding of Scripture and make connections between what they already know and what they are reading. Each week you will encounter three spiritual disciplines, learn what they are, and how you can engage those disciplines. The first discipline varies from week to week, then moves into Sabbath and prayer. In every session, you commit to how you will respond to Scripture in terms of ministry in the world.
Into the World identifies some needs in the world for which ministry is needed and suggests possible responses, then invites participants to summarize the scripture message that will shape their ministry and to decide what response and commitment to make to that message. Each week you will be guided in experiencing the gift of Sabbath rest and renewal. Classes meet for a total of 24 weeks, studying Genesis-Exodus and Luke–Acts for 12 sessions each. Daily preparation is manageable, with 3–5 chapters of the Bible to read each day.
Disciple 3:
Meets Mondays from 7-8:30 pm, in Building C Room 242. Starts Jan. 8th. Sign Up Now on Church Center.
Disciple 3 Remember Who You Are is the third study in the four-phase Disciple program. The driving idea in this study is the connection between memory and identity as the people of God. The word You in the title is meant to be heard both in its singular form (the individual) and its plural form (the community). We are a community of memory. Participants in this 32-week study will read the major and minor Old Testament prophets, with the exception of Daniel, and will read the thirteen Letters traditionally attributed to Paul. To establish the historical context in which the prophets spoke for God, daily reading assignments draw also on the books of Deuteronomy through Chronicles.
Several themes weave their way through the study – the call to remember; the call to repentance; the need for renewed vision; and the place of community. The prophets and Paul are continually calling hearers and readers back to their God and to a sense of who they are as a people "set apart."
Cookies with Santa
This year's event for the State Court appointed children's afternoon with their families will be held on Saturday, December 2nd.
We are STILL in need of volunteers (adults only) to help make this a special day for the families. The event is from 1:30-3:30 pm, and we need volunteers to help with sign-in, table/family hosts, Santa elves and the hot cocoa booth just to name a few!
Please sign up on Church Center. Email with questions.
Women’s Christmas Brunch
Come join us on Saturday, December 9th for our annual Christmas Brunch! Doors open at 10:30am.
Our guest speaker this year is Cheryl Lutz. She will be leading us on a journey to be "Securely Held." She's a Pastor's wife, a Director of Women's Ministry, Speaker, author of a brand new book and Podcast host.
We still have tables in need of hostesses!
Please contact Kerri Casteel if you are interested in hosting a table. Register now on Church Center for this event as seats go fast! Tickets are $30.00 per person. NOTE: 6 people per table this year.
Due West UMC has its very own fitness program offering classes for all levels and open to anyone age 12 and up. Classes are $4.00 (includes childcare on Monday, Wednesday & Friday) and you can find our class schedule on Facebook at Due West Adult Fitness Classes. Punch Cards are also available and cover 11 classes for $40.00. These cards are available from the class instructors.
College Care Ministry Signup
Parents, help us stay in touch with your college students! We would like to send them periodic mailings to remind them how much they are loved and supported by our Due West family!
Complete the online form through the link below to be sure your student is included. This form must be filled out each year to ensure we have the most current address.
If you have any questions, contact Michelle Zerkle 678-230-7313 or send an email to
Congregational Care Ministry
The holiday season is joyful for most of us as we celebrate Advent and the birth of our Savior, spend time with our family and friends, and look forward to the start of a new year. Sometimes, it is hard to celebrate due to the loss of a loved one, an illness, a job loss, and with that our security.
If you are struggling this holiday season, please consider asking to have one of our Congregational Care Ministers (CCMs) assigned to you. We offer visitation, prayer, Holy Communion, and anointing as we walk alongside you during your difficult times. Grief Share classes are encouraged and offered twice a year.
Holy Communion will be offered on December 10th at 10:10 am and 12:10 pm In the Gathering Place of Building A and on December 17th at 9:30 am in the library of Building C and at 12:10 pm in the Gathering Place of Building A.
The Longest Night Service will be on December 21st from 7:00–8:00 pm. This is a time of prayer, Holy Communion, and anointing that reminds us of God’s presence supporting us in body, mind, and spirit.
Our Ministry is ready and waiting to be there for you and assures complete confidentiality. We are committed to sharing the love of Christ and the love and support of your church family with you. To be assigned a CCM, please contact Pastor David Campbell or Lay Leader, Brenda Wyatt at, cell 770-605-3709.
Matthew 25:40, “ Truly, I tell you whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine you did for me.”
In His Service by Your Side,
Brenda Wyatt
Congregational Care Minister
GriefShare - Comforting Others
After the funeral, when the cards and flowers have stopped coming, most of the people around you return to their normal lives, but your grief continues and you may feel alone. Often, friends and family want to help you, but don't know how. That's the reason for GriefShare. GriefShare is a network of over 15,000 churches and grief support groups. Our group is led by caring people who have experienced grief due to the loss of a loved one and have successfully rebuilt their lives. We will walk with you on the long path through grief toward healing and hope for the future. The program is nondenominational and features biblical concepts for healing from your grief.
This support group meets weekly on Sundays from 6:00 to 8:00 pm in Bldg. C, Room 242. The current 13-week cycle started September 17th, 2023 … but don’t let that stop you from joining at any time!
If you have any questions or are interested in participating, please contact Connie at or 904-651-2732.
Dementia Talk - December
It’s Christmas time, and I am filled with gratitude. Thank you, Due West … its staff, and every volunteer who has ever been a part of what began in our church parking lot. Two members … Kathy and Melissa … tired caregivers … fell on one another’s shoulders in tears. They had just realized that they were both loving their moms through Alzheimer’s. Finally! Someone to talk to who “got it … someone who understood!” They invited others to join in their conversations. They supported and lifted up. They listened and loved. That is still our goal today.
I was honored that they asked me to take over their group. Kim became my right-hand man as we added conferences and workshops to what became a dementia education/support ministry … our Caregivers’ Ministry. Later, I was grateful to people who live with dementia for teaching me that our ministry needed to include them! Of course, it did!! Brian LeBlanc, who lives with Alzheimer’s tells us, “Nothing about us, without us!” And so, we became the Dementia Family Ministry.
Today, with the addition of annual Multi-Faith and Community Leaders’ Workshops, along with our website with its Action Plan, we have become Loving Through Dementia: Offering help, hope, inspiration, and dementia education to dementia families. Guiding communities of every faith to do the same.
Through the hard work of all of our volunteers and with the support of this church, we have locally served over 2000 dementia families and even more, globally. More than eight new dementia care ministries have been born. Others are on the way. Thank you with all of my heart.
Merry Christmas blessings,
Sheila Welch
Sunday School Volunteers
dwKids Sunday School Volunteers - Contact Alicia Iles at for details.
Join Our Usher Team
We are in need of ushers for the 11:00 am church service in Building A. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Dianne Harrison at or 678-522-4909.
Online Giving
You can give online using your smartphone, tablet or computer. Click here to begin giving through our system. Contact Amber Wilson at if you have any questions.
Due West Market
Click here to shop! We are taking orders for congregational name tags!
Altar Flowers
Honor a loved one with altar flowers displayed in front of the pulpit on Sunday mornings. Learn More & Purchase
Prayer Requests
Need prayer? Click here to submit a prayer request!