
Our Joys & Concerns

Opening Prayer

Lord God, in whom I find life, health, and strength, through whose gifts I am clothed and fed, through whose mercy I have been forgiven and cleansed, be for me guide, strength, Savior, and Lord all the days of my life. I offer my prayers through Christ, Amen.


We are delighted to offer another Due West 101 class on April 28 & May 5 for anyone interested in learning more about our church and potentially joining us in membership.

Prayer Concerns

Storey Boswick, Ashley Brown, Cathy Brown, Belinda Bryant, Melissa Kennedy, Carl Lumpkin, Christine Moore, Janis Saltsman, Jane Swanson,

Ongoing Concerns

David Allen, Herb Amburn, Betty Andrews, Beckie Bannister, Denise Blount, Don Bodnar, Nancy Byers, Linda Carroll, Christa Cash, Paul & Elsa Davis, Marlene Dickey, Caroline Douglas, Doug & Carrie Drake, Hazel Ferguson, Tyson Flugstad, Marilyn Fussell, Sheila Garman, Charlie & Dianne Harrison, Suzanne Haynie, Greg Hickey, Brian Hilderhoff, Alesha Hollinger, Frank Holmes, Douglas Huggins, Frances Hunter, Pam Johnson, Jack & Jane Johnston, Bob & Frances Keller, Bob Kenseth, Joel Kilthau, Will Kirby, Mark & Anna Larson, Donna Lord, Krista Luders, Willow Lundberg, Dale & MeriBeth McDougald, Patrick Mayfield, Tommy Neal, Luke Primm, Amy Rentz, Amy Rowel, Daniel Smith

Military Concerns
All of our American military and those active duty who are connected to Due West MC are: Kevin Blevins, Rob Carey, SFC Aaron M. Causey, CAPT Bill Edge, Major Christopher Goddard, Kyle Haberly, Reid Hamilton, Josh Hughes, Jacob Shell, Chris Williams

Cancer Concerns
Mike Anderson, Tracy Anderson, Wayne Barron, Misty Blair, Wanda Bland, John Cayois, Jim Carter, John Cassidy, Elaine Casteel, Dana Clark, Barbara Dector, Vicki Eddy, Jen Evely, Judy Godfrey, Alice Harvin, Dave Hasler, Trip Haynie, Peggy Hicks, Emily Hubbert, Michael Kalilowski, April McDonald, Sandra Jones, Dale McArthur, Ann McGhee, Brian McGlamery, Brian Moore, Helon O’Barr, Susan Olsen, Paul Phillips, Connie Pickering, Aaron Pies, Myriam Pirtle, Terry Plesek, Scott Purswell, Kevin Reinicki, Wayne Rice, Christo Schlebusch, Alexis Shearouse, Greg Simons, Gil Smith, Ryker Stallworth, Sheryl Swanson, Carl Thomas, Connie Thrasher, Peyton Wyatt