
Daily Scripture Readings

Monday          Ephesians 2:1-10

Tuesday         Ephesians 2:11-18

Wednesday   Ephesians 2:19-22

Thursday       Ephesians 3:1-6

Friday             Ephesians 3:7-13

Saturday        Galatians 6:9-10

Opening Prayer

Gracious God, help us to be an inviting congregation, growing in our love for you daily.     In Jesus’ name, AMEN.


In these verses, Paul is offering a prayer to us through this letter that we would have: inner strength, the inhabitation of Christ in our hearts, the ability to comprehend what is going on around us, and the knowledge of God’s deep love. His strength is dwelling inside of you. Being a child of God means that you have the fullness of God in the form of the Holy Spirit taking up residence in you The Holy Spirit is a gift to us, but this gift isn’t meant to just sit around and not be used. When you think back to the best gifts you’ve ever received, those gifts probably came from the people that know you best. Because that person loved you, they wanted to give you something that would satisfy a desire that you had. God is the same way with giving us His spirit. Because He knows us better than we even know ourselves, He’s given us a gift that can ultimately prevent us from ever being shaken or defeated.        

You are not the exception. God literally gave you, through the glory of His riches, the same spirit that conquered sin and death. Because He loved you and continues to love you beyond your understanding, He gave you the same spirit Jesus had so you could rise above the most difficult things that you struggle with. No circumstance, experience, or sin has power over you. Fear itself doesn’t even have power over you because the God of the universe already won by giving you His spirit to do all things with.

How can I practically live in the fullness God has for me? The simplest answer is to be rooted in love like the scripture says. How do you become rooted in love? You spend time with the one who first loved you. I know that seems like the Christian answer to say, but hear me out. There was no love before God and there will be no love in existence that can compare to His. Taking that time to pray and read the Bible will increase your faith in Him. With this increase in faith, you will begin to understand the worth of yourself and every person around you and seek them in a way that He first sought you. He is always ready to offer more.


