
Daily Scripture Readings

Monday                      Mark 12:28-34

Tuesday                     John 13:12-19

Wednesday               Galatians 2:1-10

Thursday                   Galatians 2:11-20

Friday                         Galatians 6:1-9

Saturday                    Matthew 28:16-20

Opening Prayer

Gracious God, help us to be an inviting congregation, growing in our love for you daily.     In Jesus’ name, AMEN.


The major theme of Galatians is that we are saved by faith, and not by works. Yet what I do as a believer is important. True salvation is not just accepting Jesus into my heart with an eye toward heaven in the future. It is an ongoing relationship with Jesus as my Lord. And that is what is reflected in this closing instruction in Paul’s letter to the churches of Galatia.

Do not become weary in doing good to all. Especially to other believers. We are called to do good. But what does it mean to ‘do good’?

‘Doing good’ is not the same thing as doing no harm. Doing no harm is a passive activity. But doing good is active. It is something that takes effort on my part. Something that I could grow weary of. And something that is directed toward other people.

Doing good means that when I see an opportunity to help another person, I take it. It may be something simple and with little cost. Or it may be more costly and time consuming. Doing good simply means that I do what I can to help you.

This instruction to do good has all people in mind. Even those who are not believers. And even those that I may not get along with. If I can do good for someone, I should.

But it is especially true for those within the family of believers. They are the ones I should care most about. I should actively look for ways to do good; to be helpful to them. As you live your life with Christ, be doing good to all people, especially within the community of faith.

Ed Jarrett


