Stories From The Wilderness-Week 3


Daily Scripture Readings

Monday          Exodus 35:1-9

Tuesday        Exodus 35:10-19

Wednesday   Exodus 35:20-29

Thursday       Exodus 35:30-35

Friday            II Corinthians 8:1-5

Saturday Numbers 13:30-33

Opening Prayer

Gracious God, help us to see the forgiveness that is available in the wilderness.

In Jesus’ name,



Money and materials are something that is needed no matter who the person is or what organization it is. The different organizations of this world all need money to make things happen, to be able to do what is needed to be done.

Throughout the year a person will receive many requests to help provide for different organizations. The help is often in financial provision, while others may include at times physical things or physical help–workers. Very few groups can say that they have enough to meet all of their needs at the time.

As the Israelites were traveling in the wilderness, God instructed Moses to have the tabernacle built as a place of worship to Him. In order for the place to be built, there had to be supplies. These supplies were to be provided by the people.  The request for supplies was put out. No one was forced to give, it was all by individual choice. The people were excited to give and gave. They gave so much, that the request to stop giving had to be given.

If every person gave generously to the needs of the church, missionaries, and other believers, most needs could be easily met. The needs could be met well enough, that the need for more would lessen.  No matter how much you give, you cannot out give God. God has poured out many blessings on you and every believer. These blessings are to be passed on to others and not hoarded to one’s own self.

Take a look at your church, missionaries and other God-led organizations and see what they are in need of. Give what you can to help meet their needs as they work to build God’s kingdom.

If you, along with every other believer would give generously, the needs could be met in abundance. How is your giving today?                                        Thomas Arn



Stories From The Wilderness-Week 4


Stories From The Wilderness-Week 2