Stories From The Wilderness-Week 4


Daily Scripture Readings

Monday         Numbers 13:1-15

Tuesday        Numbers 13:16-20

Wednesday   Numbers 13:21-25

Thursday       Numbers 13:26-29

Friday            Matthew 8:23-27

Saturday       Deuteronomy 16:9-12

Opening Prayer

Gracious God, help us to keep our focus always on what You can do.

In Jesus’ name,



Perspective makes all the difference, doesn’t it? We can’t always control the circumstances around us, but how we choose to think about those circumstances is certainly a choice that each of us can make. Is our water glass half-full or half-empty? Our answer to that question can have significant bearing on the peace and joy that we carry through life. In Numbers 13, God had promised a new land to His people, but most of those who spied it out decided that the obstacles and challenges were too much for them to handle. Caleb, however, believed the promise of God and had a different mindset. His confidence was in the Lord’s ability to see them through and thus, he was full of faith. Let’s choose to put our trust in the promises of God.  Without a doubt, He will see us through!                          Burt Campbell


Stories From The Wilderness-Week 5


Stories From The Wilderness-Week 3