FAIL - Week 2


Daily Scripture Readings

Monday          II Samuel 11:1-5

Tuesday         II Samuel 11:6-13

Wednesday   II Samuel 11:14-27

Thursday        II Samuel 12:1-6

Friday             II Samuel 12:7-14

Saturday         Matthew 26:36-41

Opening Prayer

Gracious God, so often we feel like failures.    Remind us that you are a God of second chance.   Remind us that there is no fail so big that it cannot be covered by the grace of Jesus.     In Jesus’ name, AMEN


I heard a dad tell a story not too long ago.   He had a son that liked to push the limits.   Now most every child goes through this phase.   Some grow out of it quicker than others.   His son was one who took his time.    For a kid, pushing the limits is pushing the limits.     But for a parent, there are two categories: principle and safety.    You look the child square in the eye and say, “You can not have another cookie.”    Now you know that another cookie is not a matter of life or death.   But it is a matter of principle.   You want the child to listen to you and to trust that you know what is best.  If the child has another cookie, there need to be consequences, simply to reinforce that principle.   But then there are times when it is about safety.  When you say, “You cannot run away from me in the middle of the store.” That is more than principle.   These days that is very much about safety.   This dad has told his son, “You cannot ride your bicycle on that street.”   It was a busy street.   Lot of cars.    It was a safety issue.    He didn’t want his child to get hurt.  So what does the little boy do?    He gets on his bike and rides to the street.   The dad catches him, drags him home, and sits him down.   He wants his son to understand what has happened.    He dives in and gives him the speech.   “Did you hear me tell you not to ride your bicycle on that street?”   “Yes sir?”  And what did you do?”   “I rode my bicycle on the street.”    Now I’m your father.   I told you what to do, for your own safety and you ignored me.”   We call that a fail, by the way.   The dad goes on, “What would you do if you were the dad?   He’s thinking, “Take my bike away” “Ground me” Something like that.   “What would you do if you were the dad?   And the kid, without missing a beat, says, “I’d give me a second chance.”   Fortunately for us, our God is a God of second chances!


FAIL - Week 3


FAIL - Week 1