FAIL - Week 3


Daily Scripture Readings

Monday           Revelation 1:1-20

Tuesday         John 1:1-14

Wednesday   Acts 12:1-4

Thursday        Acts 2:14-41

Friday             Acts 9:1-19

Saturday         Mark 9:33-37

Opening Prayer

Gracious God, so often we feel like failures.  We see ourselves at our worst.   Help us to remember that you see not the worst of what we have been, but the best of what we can be.     In Jesus’ name, AMEN


“Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. "Couldn't you men keep watch with me for one hour?" he asked Peter.” Matthew 26:40

Have you ever been stretched out on your sofa watching the big game or a favorite movie and you suddenly fall asleep and miss how it ends? Oh, the frustration! You missed the best part.

Peter, James and John had a similar experience because they fell asleep. It was in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus had told his disciples to stay and pray while He went to pray nearby.

But on the precipice of the greatest moment in history, they dozed off. They missed the moment—a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for discipleship.

God wants us awake and alert, not only to serve Him, but for Him to equip us to serve others. He will make us more like Jesus and send us out so His work can be done through us. He calls us to actively listen for His direction and to readily to say "yes."

When asked by Jesus to do something, have you ever fallen asleep? I know I have. He calls, and I’m often snoozing. But the real question is: have we learned and grown from such experiences in order to become more committed disciples?

Let’s learn from the disciples’ mistake and stay alert so we can follow our master more deeply. Let’s not miss out on the joyful things He wants to do in and through us.


FAIL - Week 4


FAIL - Week 2