Palm Sunday


Daily Scripture Readings

Monday: Matthew 21:1-5
Tuesday: Matthew 21:6-11
Wednesday: Luke 19:28-36
Thursday: Luke 19:37-44
Friday: John 12:12-19
Saturday: Matthew 28:1-10

Opening Prayer

Gracious God, remind us all of who we need you to be for us. We need you to be our Savior and our Lord. Let us shout “Hosanna, Save us!”


Jesus had not come to be King of the land. He came to be the King of their hearts. God’s plan was very different than what the people had hoped for. Their desire had been to have a ruler who would overcome Roman oppression. One who would restore them to the dominion of their land and would give them rule over the surrounding nations. That’s the King for whom they had been waiting. And one day, Jesus will come and He will be that King. One day Israel will receive their full inheritance. But the day in which Jesus rode into Jerusalem was not that day.

When Jesus returns, He will come as the King of kings, the Lord of lords and He will rule and reign. When that day comes, Jesus will come in judgment to judge the earth and all who live therein. No one will want to stand before King Jesus on that day unless they are already covered by the blood of the Lamb.

When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on that Sunday afternoon, He began His journey to the cross. The date was Nisan 10 on the Jewish calendar. It was the day in which the lambs were selected for the annual Passover sacrifice. On Nisan 14, Jesus Himself became that sacrifice. Jesus was the perfect Lamb of God, and He became the Passover Lamb, sacrificed for the sins of the world.

Today, Jesus still is the perfect Lamb of God, whose blood covers sin and washes man clean.

- Shari Abbot


Easter Sunday


The Most Important: Strength