The Most Important: Strength


Daily Scripture Readings

Monday: II Corinthians 11:16-21

Tuesday: II Corinthians 11:22-33

Wednesday: II Samuel 6:1-7

Thursday: II Samuel 6:8-16

Friday: II Samuel 6:17-23

Saturday: Mark 11:1-10

Opening Prayer

Gracious God, remind me daily that you are God and help me to love you with all my heart, all my soul, all my mind and all my strength. In Jesus’ name, AMEN


Servitude is not a glamorous concept. Who in their right mind would sign up for a life of servitude? And yet that is what God has in mind for his people. God knows how service to others will bless us as well as the community around us.

Service is a great way to put aside our self-centeredness and notice how we are connected, even indebted, to others. When we start seeing the genuine needs of others, it deters our own sense of entitlement. None of us became the people we are alone, but by the sacrifice and investment of many others from our earliest years. And that doesn’t take into account what Christ has done for us.

Serving others not only reveals the bonds between us; it reflects the love of God. When we notice service to us, and when we serve others, we experience God’s grace. It points people to Christ. Jesus modeled grace that goes way beyond our understanding. He emptied himself for us, though we deserved nothing. His example calls us to “submit to one another out of reverence for Christ” (Ephesians 5:21). In our “me-first” culture, God calls us to put others first. What a challenge!

Are we looking out for others the way we look out for ourselves? Can we put their needs ahead of our own? How are you serving in your community?

  • Steve and Deb Coster


Palm Sunday


The Most Important: Mind