What’s Next - Week 6


Daily Scripture Readings

Monday          Acts 2:9-13

Tuesday         Acts 2:14-21

Wednesday   Acts 2:22-31

Thursday        Acts 2:32-41

Friday            Acts 2:42-47

Saturday        Acts 28:30-31

Opening Prayer

Gracious God, on this Pentecost Sunday, give me more than knowledge of Pentecost, let me experience Pentecost.         

In Jesus name, Amen.


Pentecost marks the powerful beginning of a global movement of the power of God’s presence sweeping across the earth. As we read the account of what happened as the Spirit descended with power on God’s people, place yourself in their midst. Imagine what it would look like, sound like, and feel like to witness firsthand such a powerful movement of God’s Spirit:

 The Holy Spirit is our greatest gift. When the disciples received the Spirit they began living as Jesus did. They began speaking to, healing, and transforming a world that had known no restored relationship with their Creator since Adam and Eve. And Scripture makes it clear that our lives are to follow their example. We’ve been given the same Spirit as the disciples, who moved so powerfully in revealing our loving heavenly Father to a world in desperate need of relationship with their Creator. I feel that there are three areas in which the Spirit would anoint us more powerfully today as he did the disciples at Pentecost. Let’s boldly seek out all that the Spirit would do in our hearts and lives today.



What’s Next - Week 7


What’s Next - Week 5