What’s Next - Week 7


Daily Scripture Readings

Monday          Acts 28:1-6

Tuesday         Acts 28:7-10

Wednesday   Acts 28:11-16

Thursday        Acts 28:17-22

Friday            Acts 28::23-27

Saturday        Galatians 5:1-6

Opening Prayer

Gracious God, remind us daily that the story of your Holy Spirit does not end in scripture, but it continues in us.                

In Jesus name, Amen.


When I was fairly-newly saved, a guy who prayed for me at a youth group meeting said he felt God wanted me to go home and read Acts 29. Now you may have just gone through the files of your mind and thought, wait a minute…. there is no Acts 29.  Acts finishes, albeit somewhat suddenly and with the hint of a comma in Acts 28. As a new Christian, I had no reference and I went home, and yes, searched diligently for Acts 29.

 Was this guy wrong? Was he not hearing God?  Or was he mocking me???  What was going on!

 I talked to him at church on the following Sunday and I confess, I was kind of miffed.   I leaned more on the “he was mocking me” side of things. And then, he told me that Acts 29 is the chapter that is written by MY LIFE. That I am Acts 29. That it is the exploits that me and God do together for the sake of His Gospel and His Church. It is the adventure that God and I have together with prayer and seeking His face, and God working through me to reach those around me.

 Acts 29 is the church today, you and me today, expressing and living for Jesus in power, authority and love.



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What’s Next - Week 6