Dumpster Fire - Part 3


Daily Scripture Readings

Monday          I Peter 4:12-13

Tuesday         Ruth 1

Wednesday   Ruth 2

Thursday        Ruth 3

Friday            Ruth 4

Saturday        I Samuel 18:6-11

Opening Prayer

Gracious God, sometimes it seems life is a dumpster fire.  Give me the patience I need to see that you are at work in the fire.   In Jesus’ name, Amen


At least five times in Scripture, we are told that “the Lord was with Joseph” (Genesis 39:2, Genesis 39:3, Genesis 39:21, Genesis 39:23, Acts 7:9), which means that God was in control of events so that everything would work out for the good of Joseph and his family and for the glory of God. It’s important to note that God worked everything together for good throughout the entire experience and not just at the end. Romans 8:28 doesn’t say, “And we know that God will work out everything for good in the end,” but that He is always at all times working things out for good, no matter how we feel or what we see.

The most important “good thing” that God was accomplishing was the preservation of the nation of Israel (Genesis 50:20), because through them, God would give the world the Word of God and the Son of God. Joseph was God’s chosen servant to shelter Israel and to save a lost world. God “sent a man before them” (Psalm 105:17).

What happened was good for Jacob and his sons. Surely Jacob realized that he was reaping the bitter fruit from some of the seeds of deception he had sown years before, and the brothers were finally brought to the place where their mouths were stopped and they had run out of lies and excuses. “What can we say to my lord?” said Judah . “What can we say?” (Genesis 44:16). Every mouth was silenced as the men (Benjamin excepted) stood guilty before the Lord and Joseph (Romans 3:19). It took twenty-two years for the brothers’ sins to find them out, and then Joseph forgave them and assured them of his love. A few years before, when Joseph’s first son was born, Joseph named him Manasseh — “forget” — which means Joseph was not holding any grudges or looking for ways to avenge himself .




Dumpster Fire - Part 4


Dumpster Fire - Part 2