Dumpster Fire - Part 4


Daily Scripture Readings

Monday          I Peter 4:12-13

Tuesday         I Samuel 16:1- 7

Wednesday   I Samuel 17:41-47

Thursday      I Samuel 24:1-15

Friday            I Samuel 26:1-12

Saturday        Luke 22:55-62

Opening Prayer

Gracious God, sometimes it seems life is a dumpster fire.  Give me the patience I need to see that you are at work in the fire.   In Jesus’ name, Amen


At first glance, jealousy may not seem like a major sin in our daily lives. We may get a little jealous of people from time to time, but that’s not dangerous, right?

Saul shows us, in 1 Samuel 18:1-16, that jealousy is actually one step short of murder.

Saul reacted in extreme jealousy against David. David was so successful in any mission Saul sent him on that the people started singing: “Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands” (1 Samuel 18:7). That’s enough to make anyone angry and jealous. Saul was King, yet his people were praising David instead of him.

Saul’s jealousy stemmed from fear and insecurity. Saul was afraid because David was closer to God than he was, and he was worried David would take over as king of the Israelites. Saul fed his own insecurities and let his jealousy grow, and in doing that he gave Satan a foothold in his life. Saul’s jealousy grew so deep that he actually attempted to kill David on more than one occasion (1 Samuel 18:10-11).

We all experience jealousy. However, as we see with Saul, it is extremely dangerous to let jealousy fester and grow in our lives.

When we are confident in who God made us to be, we stop comparing ourselves to other people and focus on what God is doing in our own lives. Instead of letting Satan use jealousy against us the way Saul did, let’s submit our anger and envy to the Lord and watch Him take the burden from us.




Dumpster Fire - Part 5


Dumpster Fire - Part 3