Dumpster Fire - Part 5


Daily Scripture Readings

Monday           I Peter 4:12-13

Tuesday         Matthew 16:13-20

Wednesday   Matthew 15:21-23

Thursday        Matthew 26:31-35

Friday             Luke 22:47-54

Saturday      Luke 15:1-10

Opening Prayer

Gracious God, sometimes it seems life is a dumpster fire.  Give me the patience I need to see that you are at work in the fire.   In Jesus’ name, Amen


This short scene in the high priest's courtyard offers a number of lessons for perceptive disciples:

We must remain humble, not boastful, for the line between courage and cowardice can be a very thin line.

We must live in constant prayer, depending upon the Lord for strength.

Fear and faith cannot easily co-exist. When we start to give into our fears, we become subject to the deceiver, who would undermine our faith with his lies.

I've learned over the years that guilt can be a terrible taskmaster. But guilt itself cannot help us conquer sin. Guilt is the burglar alarm of our conscience, and while it can ring incessantly, it cannot heal.

Only the love of Jesus for us and our love for Jesus can heal us. A desire not to disappoint him and let him down is stronger than the fear of guilt. This is what the Apostle John meant when he said,

"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." (1 John 4:18)

As Jesus looks at Peter, he sees afresh the necessity of the cross that lies before him. His love determines to redeem from sin the Peters among his worldwide band of disciples -- by forgiving our offenses, taking our penalty, healing our sin-damaged souls, and restoring us to fellowship with God.

Jesus looks at Peter and knows that his life's work lies just ahead. His hour has come.                                                    Ralph Wilson



Deepening Discipleship: Lost and Found


Dumpster Fire - Part 4