August 2023 Newsletter
Keeping you updated as we gather, grow and go!

August Happenings
It was one of those days. Have you ever had one of those days? This was years ago, before coming to Due West. I had about three days of things to do and maybe half a day to get it all done. It was my day off and I was walking out of Home Depot. I heard my name and turned around. It was a friend, moving in my direction. I stood still, trying hard not to look at my watch. Did I mention it was one of those days? They said, “You look like you are in a hurry.” I said, “Well, sort of…” They said, “I understand, go ahead.” I thanked them and jumped in my car, off to the next thing on the “to do” list. It would be a couple of weeks before I ran into them again and learned they had surgery the day after they saw me. They said, “I was going to ask you to pray… but you looked really busy.” And I thought back. Had I not been so preoccupied with my own schedule, maybe I would have noticed how preoccupied they looked. Maybe I would have been more sensitive and taken more time. Maybe they would have felt more comfortable asking me to pray. But none of that happened. I look back and call that a “Fail”.
Have you ever experienced a “fail”? Most of us have. And if there is good news, it is that we are not alone. And, we are not the first. If you read the gospels, you can see that the disciples failed. More than once. We are going to look at some of those stories in August. But the good news is that there is more to failure in these stories. There is the love, mercy, grace and forgiveness of Jesus. He showed it to his disciples, and he shows it to us. If you’ve ever failed… there just might be a word for you.
And speaking of grace, one of the places where we experience the grace of Jesus in a powerful way is at the Communion Table. Our practice is to have communion once a month. Some churches offer it more. Some offer it weekly. John Wesley, the original Methodist, believed you should receive it as often as you could. So we are going to try something new. We are going to offer communion every Sunday.
On the first Sunday, it will be offered in worship, as we have always done. But on other Sundays, it will be offered as well. Our Congregational Care Ministers, assisted by some of our regular communion servers, will make this possible. As an ordained elder in the church, I will consecrate the communion elements. That is part of our theology as Methodists. But, it will be served by others, which is also part of our theology. In the Sanctuary of Building C, they will serve at 11:00 am. For anyone who has come to the 8:30am service and then gone to Sunday school, or for anyone who came to the 9:45 am service, that will be a great option. It will be offered in a classroom off the Gathering Place in Building A following the 11:00 service. For any who come at 11:00 am and want communion, that will be your best option. If this is something you believe might bring you an extra measure of grace, we hope you will take advantage of it!
If it’s Sunday, you want to be at Due West,
Time to Get Excited!
Homecoming Celebration - Sunday, Sept. 10th, 2023
All the details can be found here.
Please register here so we know how many to plan for.
Preorder a t-shirt by clicking here!
Donations to help cover the cost of this event are greatly appreciated and can be made by clicking this link.
August 1 - Cobb County School Starts
August 6 - Children’s Back-to-School Celebration
August 6 – Ignite resumes
August 7 - dwPreschool Parent Orientation
August 8 - dwPreschool Meet & Greet
August 8 - Flag Football Season starts
August 9 - First day of Preschool
August 9 - Music rehearsals begin
August 12 - 24-hour Prayer Vigil
August 13 – Homecoming T-shirt Sale
August 13 - dwCrew starts
August 13 - Disaffiliation Voting Process Meeting
August 14 - UMM Golf Tournament
August 19 - CFA - Parent’s Night Out
August 20 – Homecoming T-shirt Sale
August 20 - Church Workday
August 20 - Healing Service
August 25&26 - Handbell Kickoff Workshop
August 27 - Preschool Sunday
August 27 - Church Conference Vote
Support Groups
AA Open Meeting - Sundays @ 7:00 pm (Bldg A)
AA Women’s Group - Thursdays @ 7:00 pm (Bldg A)
GriefShare - Sundays @ 6:00 pm (Bldg C)
GRASP Support Group - Second Tuesday @ 7:00 pm (Bldg C)
S.O.S. Support Group - Second Thursday @ 7:00 pm (Bldg C)
Parkinson’s Support Group - Second Sunday @ 3:00 pm
Dementia Ministry Meetings
Spouse Support Group meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 9:00 am.
Spouse Group meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 1:00 pm.
Family Support Group meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm.
Currently, all meetings are being held via Zoom. For more information, please email
Weekly Exercise Classes (Bldg B)
Tone & Tighten @ 9:30 am (Nursery)
Pilates @ 9:30 am
Cardio-Sculpt @ 9:30 am (Nursery)
Pilates @ 9:30 am
Slow Flow Yoga @ 10:30 am
Zumba @ 9:30 am
Boot Camp @ 8:30 am (Nursery)
Stretch & Tone @ 9:30 am (Nursery)
Wesley Woods Donation
Each year, we receive a special offering for Wesley Woods. For more than six decades, it has been a ministry of our Annual Conference providing places where people can age gracefully. This year, we will be receiving that offering the first two weeks of August. If you would like to contribute online, please click this link or you can earmark a check “Wesley Woods.”
Church Workday
August 20 after the 9:45 am and 11:00 am Services
Come one, come all to help beautify our church grounds! Sunday, August 20, we will be having a workday on the grounds here at Due West. Come to worship dressed to work! We will be making everything beautiful to get ready for our Homecoming celebration on September 10th.
The first work session starts at 10:45 am right after the 9:45 am service. Lunch (hamburgers and hotdogs) will be served at 12:30 pm. The second session starts at noon, and we will finish up around 2:00 pm. If you have tools and gloves, please bring them.
For more information, contact Mark Hellman.
24-Hour Prayer Vigil in August
There will be a 24-hour prayer vigil to pray for our church in advance of the August 27th vote. Please sign up using this link!
New GriefShare Group
After the funeral, when the cards and flowers have stopped coming, most of the people around you return to their normal lives. But your grief continues and you feel alone. Often friends and family want to help, but don't know how. That's the reason for GriefShare. Our group is led by caring people who have experienced grief and have successfully rebuilt their lives. We understand how you feel because we have been in the same place. We will walk with you on the long path through grief toward healing and hope for the future.
GriefShare is a nationwide network committed to biblical concepts for healing from your grief. To learn more visit the GriefShare website at
What to Expect:
GriefShare is a group that meets weekly for 13 weeks. There are three key parts to the group.
· Video Seminar
· Support Group
· Workbook (Provided)
The next 13-week cycle starts September 17, 2023.
If you have any questions, or are interested in participating, please contact Connie:
Cell Phone (Preferred): 904-651-2732
The preschool will be back in session August 9th. We are preparing for the children’s arrival. We still have a few openings in our 5-day fours program. If you are interested, please email Shelly Kubek at
Thank you to those who have donated books and toys to the preschool. Each year, we need to update and replace toys and books. As you can imagine, with 185 children, we need many items. At this time, we are in need of tricycles. If you have a tricycle or cozy coupe car you are willing to part with, please let us know…
We are looking forward to our 29th year!
Preschool Sunday School
Memory Verse: “God saw everything He had made. And it was very good.” Genesis 1:31, NIRV
Which would mean more to you? Something made by a stranger, or something made by your child? Your child’s creation would be the clear winner because knowing who made something can add value to the thing that has been made.
That is why we want our preschoolers to know that God made everything because knowing God made everything makes everything very good! And since God made SO many good things, we are going to Stack It Up this month — ALL OF IT — from day one through day seven. So, let’s get ready for a whole lot of stacking!
Elementary Sunday School
Creativity - Using your imagination to do something new.
Memory Verse: “We are God’s creation. He created us to belong to Christ Jesus. Now we can do good works. Long ago God prepared these works for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10, NIRV
When we look outside and see the beautiful world around us, we’re reminded that God is great, powerful, and creative. From the birds flying high in the sky, to the planets orbiting the sun, to animals scampering around the earth, everything we see points to God’s immense creativity. Jesus used creativity in the way He told parables, performed miracles, and helped His followers understand more about what it means to be part of God’s kingdom. On top of that, we’re created in God’s image. We can solve problems, create art and music, and design skyscrapers high into the sky. When we create, we reflect the image of God to the world around us.
dwCrew is a specialized time of fun, learning, and service for 3rd-5th graders. We will be meeting this month on August 13 & August 20 from 12:00-1:30 pm. Lunch is $3 and checkin is just inside the blue dwKids doors.
August 13 - Games & Taco/Sundae Bars
August 20 - Service project for Great Day of Service
Promotion Sunday
Promotion Sunday is August 6th for our dwKids, and we will be having a back-to-school celebration. Join us during Sunday school hours to celebrate the beginning of a new school year.
Ignite Sunday Nights are back, beginning August 6!
August 6th - Special guest speaker and band!
August 13th - Water Night
August 20th - Silent Disco
Ignite is a great time of fun and fellowship for 6th - 12th graders on Sunday nights in the Youth Center in Building C. We will not meet August 27 due to the Church Conference that day. Sign up for or see all our monthly Mailchimp Emails by clicking HERE.
Ignite Sunday School
Ignite Sunday School is a great time fellowship and study for rising 6th - 12th graders on Sunday mornings at 9:45 and 11 am in the Youth Center in Building C. College students are welcome, also! Can’t wait to see you in Sunday School!
August series - GOING PLACES
Our friends are some of the most important people in our lives. Our friends know us best. They're the people we've spent countless hours with telling stories, laughing, and creating memories together. We all know having great friendships means a lot more than just having people to hang out with, but how do you find friends like that? How do you build the kinds of friendships that last? And what do you do if you feel like your friendships aren't everything you'd want them to be? In this four-week series from the Gospels, we'll take a look at how Jesus treated the people he cared about in order to learn how we can better treat our friends. Through Jesus' example, we'll discover that friends don't miss a chance to care for each other, aren't afraid to challenge each other, don't let differences divide them, and aren't afraid to talk about what they believe.
MEMORY VERSE: "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." - Matthew 18:20 (NIV)
Wednesday Music Rehearsals resume August 9
Chancel Choir - Sings at the 8:30 am Traditional Service
Rehearses Wednesdays at 11:00 am in the Choir Room
Adult Choir - Sings at the 11:00 am Traditional Service
Rehearses Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in the Choir Room
Orchestra - Plays at the 11:00 am Traditional Service
Rehearses Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in Building A Sanctuary
Youth Choir - Sings every 4 to 6 weeks during the school year
Rehearses Wednesdays at 6:00 pm in the Building A Sanctuary
Children’s Choir - Sings every 4 to 6 weeks during the school year
Rehearses Wednesdays at 6:00 pm in the Choir Room
Modern Worship Team - Leads worship at the 9:45 am Modern Service
Current Needs: Guitars, Male Lead Vocals, and auditioning all instruments
Contact Christine Salazar for more details
Handbells - Contact Marcy Olhausen for information about joining
Carillon Ringers (18 and older)
JuBELLation Ringers (6th grade and older)
NEW Orchestra Scholarship Fund
Music ministries is starting an “Orchestra Scholarship Fund” for High School seniors who serve in our orchestra. Click HERE to give and support our young musicians.
See the PDF version of the Newsletter for visuals!
Donations Needed
If you have a working sewing machine that you no longer use or need and would like to donate (or even sell to us for a reasonable amount), the CFA is in need of a few sewing machines for classes & camps!
Finding Nemo
August 8 – November 18, 2023
Dive into the big blue world of Disney and Pixar’s Finding Nemo JR.! This new stage musical is a 60-minute adaptation of the beloved 2003 Pixar movie Finding Nemo, with new music by award-winning songwriting team Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez. Marlin, an anxious and over-protective clownfish, lives in the Great Barrier Reef with his kid, Nemo, who longs to explore the world beyond their anemone home. But when Nemo is captured and taken to Sydney, Marlin faces his fears and sets off on an epic adventure across the ocean. With the help of lovable characters such as optimistic Dory, laid-back sea turtle Crush, and the supportive Tank Gang, Marlin and Nemo both overcome challenges on their journey to find each other and themselves. Featuring memorable songs such as “Just Keep Swimming,” “Fish Are Friends Not Food,” and “Go With the Flow,” Finding Nemo JR. brings a vibrant underwater world to life on stage in a story full of family, friendship, and adventure.
Little Mermaid
We are SO excited to announce that our Centerstage Ensemble will be bringing The Little Mermaid (full version) to the stage this year!
AUDITIONS: August 15 & 17 @ 6:30 pm (we will send out and post a signup for an audition time)
SHOWS: March 22 & 23, 2024 @ 7pm
Centerstage Ensemble is for students in grades 6th - 12th. Weekly rehearsals will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30-8:30 pm, with some Saturday rehearsals added in after the first of the year. Those dates are TBD but will be shared with the full schedule at auditions. All students who register will be cast in the show. The auditions are to determine placement of actors in individual roles.
August Missions Newsletter
Here at Due West, we want every person to be engaged in our missions’ ministry. From the youngest to the oldest, we want to get everyone involved in serving God! We invite everyone to utilize our new format for sharing missions information.
Click here to read the Missions Newsletter for August.
To subscribe to our Missions Monthly Newsletter click here.
We pray that you find a place to serve and join us as we live out our Mission Statement, “Inviting the community to join us as we Gather Together, Grow in Jesus Christ, and Go Serve.”
The Small Group Launchpad
Back-to-School season is a great time to consider joining a small group! This fall, we have several new groups launching. We've created a group on Church Center to be a hub for people who are interested in joining a small group. The group is called "The Small Group Launchpad". The Launchpad is the place where you can find out about groups that are currently meeting, groups that are launching soon, and express interest in groups that you'd like to see happen. You can join the Small Group Launchpad by following this link! As always, if you have any questions, feel free to contact Sam Gindlesberger at
Firearms and Fellowship
Fire Arms and Fellowship - August 17th, 2023
Come join us! Make plans to fellowship with us at Governor's Gun Club of Kennesaw on Thursday, August 17, for the next Fire Arms and Fellowship event. We gather at 6:00 pm for range time and those that are interested are welcome to stay for dinner at the club at 7:00 pm. This is a "dutch treat" style event.
Please RSVP to Mark Hellman at by Tuesday, August 15th.
2023 Phil McGuire College Scholarship Winners
The United Methodist Men are pleased to announce the winners of the 2023 Phil McGuire College Scholarship. Each student received a $1000 scholarship:
Claire Hellman
Payton Kunkel
Adam Baumhoff
Madelynn Pleinis
Thomas Campisi
John Douglas Roberts
Luke Benore
Kayleigh Pope
Sophie Austin
Haleigh Dyer
Elizabeth Parker
UMM Golf Tournament
The Due West United Methodist Men Charity Golf Tournament is Monday, August 14th, at Bentwater Golf Club. The $135.00 entry fee includes golf and cart, beverages, lunch, door prizes, as well as contests that include a $10,000.00 hole-in-one prize! For information contact:
Butch Gaudette
Cell 404-345-3370
Come join the fun at our Women's Ministry Fall Kick-Off!
We will be under the Pavilion where you'll hear about the upcoming Women's Events for the year and enjoy refreshments and fellowship. After that, we'll be making baby clay pumpkins with Taylor Gindlesberger!
Come Fall into Women's Ministry with us!
Please register here on ChurchCenter. Price per person for pumpkin supplies $20.00.
Single Moms Ministry
Are you a single mom? Would you like a few hours one night a month with childcare provided to sit back and enjoy time with other single moms?
Women's Ministry is kicking off a Single Mom's Ministry on Thursday, October 26th from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. Come join us for dinner, a devotion, time to relax and chat and leave with a little something for just you to enjoy later in the month.
Registration is open on ChurchCenter or email Kerri Casteel at
Due West UMC has its very own fitness program offering classes for all levels and open to anyone age 12 and up. Classes are $4.00 (includes childcare on Monday, Wednesday & Friday) and you can find our class schedule on Facebook at Due West Adult Fitness Classes. Punch Cards are also available and cover 11 classes for $40.00. These cards are available from the class instructors.
Congregational Care Ministry
James 5:14, “Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the Church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.”
In His ministry on earth, Jesus showed that He cared about the needs of the people. We are all given individual gifts to serve, help and teach. Jesus saw people as individuals and addressed their needs in spiritual and physical ways. As we follow His example, we are reminded in Matthew 25:40, “ Truly, I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
Just a few years ago, we trained our first class of Congregational Care Ministers to meet our congregation’s physical and spiritual needs. Today, we are blessed with nineteen CCMs who have felt the call to minister to the needs of our congregation alongside our Pastors. CCMs will visit when you are ill and walk alongside you as you grieve the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, or any life crisis.
Grief Share classes are offered twice a year. CCMs are available to serve Holy Communion in your home when you are unable to come to services as well as administer healing oils that remind us of God’s presence supporting us in body, mind, and spirit. We pray for you daily and send encouraging cards and notes as we walk alongside you during difficult times.
Our ministry is ready and waiting to be there for you when you need us. To be assigned a CCM, please contact Pastor David Campbell or lay leader, Brenda Wyatt at, 770-605-3709.
In His Service by Your Side,
Brenda Wyatt
Congregational Care Minister
GriefShare - Comforting Others
After the funeral, when the cards and flowers have stopped coming, most of the people around you return to their normal lives, but your grief continues and you may feel alone. Often, friends and family want to help you, but don't know how. That's the reason for GriefShare. GriefShare is a network of over 15,000 churches and grief support groups. Our group is led by caring people who have experienced grief due to the loss of a loved one and have successfully rebuilt their lives. We will walk with you on the long path through grief toward healing and hope for the future. The program is nondenominational and features biblical concepts for healing from your grief.
This support group meets weekly on Sundays from 6:00 to 8:00 pm in Bldg. C, Room 242. The next 13-week cycle starts September 17, 2023.
If you have any questions or are interested in participating, please contact Connie at or 904-651-2732.
Dementia Talk
No two dementia journeys will be exactly the same. The Alzheimer’s Association tells us “When you have met one person with Alzheimer’s, you have met ONE person living with Alzheimer’s.” We are all individuals, even in dementia. There are, however, common struggles … often seen only as losses. We, as the loving body of Christ, can learn how to focus NOT on the losses within our loved ones and friends, but to recognize and celebrate their CAPABILITIES. Brian LeBlanc, who has lived with Early Onset Alzheimer’s for nine years gives us his mantra loud and clear: See Me, NOT My Dementia. I am grateful for his reminder.
About 50% of those living with dementia are aware of their illness. Of those who are aware, many choose to become dementia advocates themselves … educating and serving those of us who do not live with dementia. They beautifully answer the question: Can those who live with dementia still contribute to our church and our community? Meet Doug Jones (living with dementia) and his wife, Shana; and also, the Reverend Dr. Cynthia Huling-Hummel (Retired Presbyterian Minister living with Alzheimer’s) as they present during our 2021 Dementia Conversations by clicking this link.
In spite of their challenges, people who live with dementia can become dementia educators. What might those of us who do not live with dementia do for these families? Loving Through Dementia answers this question and many more: Action Plan. There is something there for everyone.
Sheila Welch
Sunday School Volunteers
dwKids Sunday School Volunteers - Contact Alicia Iles at for details.
Join Our Usher Team
We are in need of ushers for the 11:00 am church service in Building A. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Dianne Harrison at or 678-522-4909.
Online Giving
You can give online using your smartphone, tablet or computer. Click here to begin giving through our system. Contact Amber Wilson at if you have any questions.
Due West Market
Click here to shop! We are taking orders for congregational name tags!
Altar Flowers
Honor a loved one with altar flowers displayed in front of the pulpit on Sunday mornings. Learn More & Purchase
Prayer Requests
Need prayer? Click here to submit a prayer request!