September 2023 Newsletter
Keeping you updated as we gather, grow and go!

Expenses & Giving End of Fiscal Year 2022 - 2023
Budgeted Expenses: $2,191,000
YTD Expenses: $1,999,972
YTD Giving: $1,894,857
Expenses & Giving in July 2023
Budgeted Expenses: $155,000
YTD Expenses: $145,880
YTD Giving: $170,896
Homecoming and Other Things
You will not be surprised to hear that September will be a busy month. We are in the midst of a busy season. But let’s start with September! As a reminder, I will miss you all on the Sunday of Labor Day weekend. I am honored to preach at my oldest child’s church that day. And much more importantly, I will be baptizing my grandson. Thank you all for your prayerful support of my family. Sam will be holding down the fort here, so I know you will want to come and hear from him.
Skipping ahead, September 17th is our Annual Morning of Worship through Song. This is a great day every year when our music and media ministry lead us in worship. We are blessed in so many ways here. We have people who are incredibly talented and they use those talents for the glory of God. Sit down and read Psalm 150! It speaks of praising the Lord with music and that is what we will be doing on that day!
The biggest day of September, of course, will be Homecoming on September 10th! This year,Due West is celebrating our 50th Anniversary. We will have only one service that day from 10:30 am – 12:00 pm in the sanctuary of building A. We have been making plans for this for many months. We will be seeing videos from former pastors, recognizing charter members and former staff members. Following worship, we will have lunch on the grounds. The Family Life Center will be filled with displays of the mission and ministry of Due West during its first 50 years. We hope you will come and enjoy the day. Also, we hope you have registered, so we can have enough food! It is going to be a great day!
Finally, back to the busy season. As you are aware, Due West voted last week to disaffiliate from the United Methodist Church. The vote was 412 – 97, an 81% majority. After a long season of uncertainty, the church now has more clarity moving forward. In the weeks to come, you will be hearing more from the church’s leadership about what the future will look like. As I have said, we are called to love one another. If you were a part of the voting majority, please be loving and sensitive to the minority. At the end of the day, we all love the Lord and love Due West.
If you are in the minority, let me share what was in the email that went out the day after the vote.
We know not everyone was happy with the vote. We believe that going forward, Due West will continue to be the same church you joined. It will continue to be the same church you came to love and that loved you before you walked in the door. We ask that you prayerfully consider staying for a while and seeing if your experience in the future matches this conviction. You are important to us, and we want the opportunity for you to see that in action.
At Homecoming, we will celebrate the first 50 years of Due West, but everyday we chart the course for the next fifty. There is not a better place around to come and “be the church”. We hope everyone will be a part.
If it’s Sunday, you want to be at Due West,
Time to Get Excited!
Homecoming Celebration - Sunday, Sept. 10th, 2023
All the details can be found here.
Please register here so we know how many to plan for.
Donations to help cover the cost of this event are greatly appreciated and can be made by clicking this link.
And to volunteer for the event or to bring a dessert please click here!
September 4 - Labor Day Holiday
September 7 - Women’s Fall Kickoff
September 9 – Habitat Build Day
September 10 – Homecoming Celebration; 1 worship service at 10:30 am
September 11 - Mental Health & Wholeness Support Group “Better Days” begins
September 16 - UMM BBQ Fundraiser
September 16 – Habitat Build Day
September 17 - Way Maker Steelhorse Ride for Life Fundraiser
September 21 – Firearms and Fellowship
September 23-29 – Costa Rica Mission Trip
September 25-29 – Cobb County School Fall Break
Support Groups
AA Open Meeting - Sundays @ 7:00 pm (Bldg A)
AA Women’s Group - Thursdays @ 7:00 pm (Bldg A)
GriefShare - Sundays @ 6:00 pm (Bldg C)
GRASP Support Group - Second Tuesday @ 7:00 pm (Bldg C)
S.O.S. Support Group - Second Thursday @ 7:00 pm (Bldg C)
Parkinson’s Support Group - Second Sunday @ 3:00 pm
Dementia Ministry Meetings
Spouse Support Group meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 9:00 am.
Spouse Group meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 1:00 pm.
Family Support Group meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm.
Currently, all meetings are being held via Zoom. For more information, please email
Weekly Exercise Classes (Bldg B)
Tone & Tighten @ 9:30 am (Nursery)
Pilates @ 9:30 am
Cardio-Sculpt @ 9:30 am (Nursery)
Pilates @ 9:30 am
Slow Flow Yoga @ 10:30 am
Zumba @ 9:30 am
Boot Camp @ 8:30 am (Nursery)
Stretch & Tone @ 9:30 am (Nursery)
Firearms and Fellowship
Come join us! Make plans to fellowship with us at Governor's Gun Club of Kennesaw on Thursday, September 21st, for the next Firearms and Fellowship event. We gather at 6:00 pm for range time and those that are interested are welcome to stay for dinner at the club at 7:00 pm. This is a "dutch treat" style event.
Please RSVP to Mark Hellman at by Tuesday, September 19th.
First Pumpkin Patch Unload
Get ready! The pumpkins are coming!
Our first pumpkin unload will be Sunday, October 1st, from 5:30-7:30 pm. We will unload pumpkins and enjoy a pizza supper for volunteers. This is a fun church-wide event! Bring your friends!
Trunk-or-Treat: Candy Donations
October 22nd from 2:00-4:00 pm
This event is always made possible by having volunteers decorate their cars and through the generosity of our congregation’s candy donations. We greatly appreciate individually wrapped candy donations. Please drop candy off in the Admin 2 office. Click here to register for a trunk!
For further information, contact Ashley Brown at
We are in full swing during the month of September. Thank you so much to all of our families that came to Preschool Sunday. The children did an amazing job singing. We have a great group of parents who are coordinating our annual Holiday Market that will be in the Family Life Center on November 4th from 9:00 am-2:00 pm. Mark your calendars now! We are taking vendor applications now! Please email Lindsay at
To learn more about our preschool or to schedule a tour, please feel free to contact Shelly Kubek or Courtney Kunkel at 770-590-0982 or via email at or
Preschool Sunday School
Memory Verse: “God…Knows Everything.” 1 John 3:20, NIV
An adult makes about 35,000 choices every day, but adults are not the only ones with choices to make. Children have their fair share of choices too—about 3,500 of them. Every. Single. Day. Should I eat this snack or that snack? Should I play with this toy or that toy? Should I do this and share or do that and keep it all for myself?
Knowing that our preschooler’s 3,500 daily choices will one day turn into 35,000 daily choices is why we want to teach preschoolers that, when they have a choice between This or That, they can trust that God knows what’s best for them.
Elementary Sunday School
Friendship - Using your words and actions to show others you care.
Memory Verse: “A friend loves at all times. They are there to help when trouble comes.” Proverbs 17:17, NIRV
God created us for relationships. From the very beginning of the Bible, we see how important it is to have wise people in our life who help us understand how to honor God with our actions. When God sent Jesus, we were able to see the best example of friendship ever. Jesus showed us how much He loves us as He laid down His life for His friends. With His words and actions, Jesus showed friendship to everyone He met. We can reflect Jesus’ love best when we take time to care for our friends.
dwCrew is a specialized time of fun, learning, and service for 3rd-5th graders. We will be meeting this month on September 17th from 12:00-1:30 pm. Lunch is $3 and check-in is just inside the blue dwKids doors.
September 3rd- No Ignite
September 10th- Ignite homecoming! For this gathering, we strongly encourage parents to attend to discuss the future Pumpkin Patch and plans for this year, along with a fellowship dinner and a mission opportunity for the family where we will pack Teacher Goodie Bags! Bring the whole family from 5:30-7:30!
September 17th- Regular Ignite
September 24th- No Ignite
Ignite Sunday Nights
Ignite is a great time of fun and fellowship for 6th - 12th graders on Sunday nights in the Youth Center in Building C. We will only meet September 10th and 17th this month due to Labor day (9/3) and Fall Break (9/24).
Sign up for or see all our monthly Mailchimp emails by clicking here.
Youth Sunday School
Ignite Sunday School is a great time for fellowship and study for rising 6th - 12th graders on Sunday mornings at 9:45 and 11 am in the Youth Center in Building C. We will not meet September 10th due to the Homecoming Celebration.
The Bible is full of things that seem almost "beyond belief." Sometimes that's because the stories we read on its pages are miraculous - especially the story in Exodus. Like, did God really split a whole sea in half, speak to Moses from a burning bush, or rescue all those people from enslavement? Other times, the Bible says things that sound a little too good to be true - like, is God really as loving, kind, patient, or powerful as Scripture says? And can God really use each of us to do big things in the world? In this four-week series from the book of Exodus, we'll explore what the story of Moses and the Israelites can help us discover about doubt and belief. We'll talk about how, when you doubt yourself, God can still use you. And we'll see how, when you doubt God, its okay to ask questions because God still offers guidance and always takes care of you.
MEMORY VERSE: "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." - Jeremiah 33:3 (NIV)
Youth Choir
Come join us and sing!
Youth Choir is a fun group of 6-12th grade students that practice on Wednesdays and sing several times throughout the year on Sundays. Come practice with us every Wednesday at 6:00 pm in the Building A Sanctuary.
Pumpkin Unload and Info Meeting
Get ready! The pumpkins are coming!
Our first pumpkin unload will be Sunday, October 1st from 5:00-7:30pm.
In order to run our patch successfully we need ALL youth families and supporters of the youth ministry to do their part at the unloads and work shifts for the patch! Come to our meeting on September 10th at 5:30pm in the Building C Sanctuary to help us determine if we can successfully run the patch for our 20th year.
Wednesday Choir & Orchestra Rehearsals
Serving at 8:30 am Traditional Service
· Chancel Choir
Wednesdays, 11 am-12 pm
Choir Room (Building A)
Serving at 11:00 am Traditional Service
· Adult Choir
Wednesdays, 7-8:30 pm
Choir Room (Building A)
· Orchestra
Wednesdays, 7-8:30 pm
Sanctuary (Building A)
For dwKids & Youth
· dwKids Choirs (K-5th)
Wednesdays, 6-6:45 pm
Choir Room (Building A)
· Youth Choir (6th-12th)
Wednesdays, 6-6:45 pm
Sanctuary (Building A)
· Orchestra (9th-12th) (see above)
Other Ways to Serve
· 9:45 Modern Worship Team
(Audition required)
· Handbells
· Tech Team
Orchestra Scholarship Fund
Music ministries is starting an “Orchestra Scholarship Fund” for High School seniors who serve in our orchestra. Click HERE to give and support our young musicians.
Finding Nemo
Rehearsals are underway and we are so excited to be bringing this musical to the stage! Look for tickets to go on sale in October! Shows will be November 17th and 18th at 7pm.
Kindermusik Classes
We are now offering mommy and me (or caregiver and me) classes for babies and toddlers. These classes are offered in partnership with Kindermusik of West Cobb. Please see their site to register
Watercolor Classes for adults
Join us every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 10:30-12 for a fun watercolor class with Annette Lewis. Commit just one class at a time, and no experience is necessary - Annette will guide you step by step. Just bring yourself and your supplies, or if you don’t have supplies just let her know and Annette will provide those for you. Cost is $13 if you bring your own supplies, $18 if you’d like Annette to provide them. Simply send Annette a text at (404)-664-9906 if you’d like to join the class.
Instrumental lessons
We are thrilled to now be able to offer you lessons in piano, voice, guitar, bass guitar, ukulele and harmonica. If you are interested in private lessons in any of those things please send an email to Nicole at for more information.
Missions Newsletter -September
There’s so much going on for Missions this month! Check out our missions newsletter to learn more about all the churchwide mission projects we have going on here at Due West! Highlights this month include:
Operation Christmas Child Signup
Fans in the Stands
Fall Coat Drive - September 10th to October 8th
Backpack Ministry’s First Delivery - September 1st!
Food Pantry Donations are always welcome! Click here for a list.
School Supply Drive Update
Teach Love Ministry Update
Homeless 2 Home - Next Event in Mableton, GA!
Costa Rica Mission Trip September 23rd-30th, 2023
Click HERE to read the Missions Newsletter for September.
Click HERE to have the monthly email newsletter delivered directly to your email inbox!
The Small Group Launchpad
Back-to-School season is a great time to consider joining a small group! This fall, we have several new groups launching. We've created a group on Church Center to be a hub for people who are interested in joining a small group. The group is called "The Small Group Launchpad". The Launchpad is the place where you can find out about groups that are currently meeting, groups that are launching soon, and express interest in groups that you'd like to see happen. You can join the Small Group Launchpad by following this link! As always, if you have any questions, feel free to contact Sam Gindlesberger at
Firearms and Fellowship
Fire Arms and Fellowship - August 17th, 2023
Come join us! Make plans to fellowship with us at Governor's Gun Club of Kennesaw on Thursday, August 17, for the next Fire Arms and Fellowship event. We gather at 6:00 pm for range time and those that are interested are welcome to stay for dinner at the club at 7:00 pm. This is a "dutch treat" style event.
Please RSVP to Mark Hellman at by Tuesday, August 15th.
UMM BBQ Fundraiser
Pick up on September 16th from 9:00 am-1:00 pm, FLC (Bldg B) Kitchen
Come get some good BBQ! The Methodist Men are hosting a BBQ Fundraiser to raise money for ministry projects they support.
2 lbs. BBQ Pork for $20
1 qt. Homemade Brunswick Stew $12
Registration closes September 8th at noon! All orders must be placed and paid for in advance. Click here to sign up!
Habitat for Humanity
Registration for our 2023 Habitat for Humanity Build is still open!
Our remaining build dates are:
Sept 9th
Sept 23th
Adult men and women are encouraged to come be a part of the build. All volunteers must be 14 years or older!
Those interested in volunteering can do so via this link.
Thank you for your help, and we hope to see you at the build!
Steelhorse Ride for Life
Fundraising ride to support mothers and babies through Way Maker Women’s Center. The 82-mile ride starts at Due West UMC, turns around at Rome, GA, and finishes at Red Top Brewhouse for an after-ride celebration! View the route map here.
Event Timeline:
8:00 am Check-In
9:00 am Kick Stands Up
11:30 am After-Ride Celebration
We know how hard every rider works to fundraise for mothers and babies, and we want to celebrate your achievements! Every dollar raised by the ride community makes a difference. Riders are encouraged to raise donations, the donation pledge form is here. Prizes will be given to the top 3 fundraisers.
Register to participate as a rider or passenger through this link.
Come join the fun at our Women's Ministry Fall Kick-Off!
On September 6th, we will meet in the Youth Center where you'll hear about the upcoming Women's Events for the year and enjoy refreshments and fellowship. After that, we'll be making baby clay pumpkins with Taylor Gindlesberger!
Come Fall into Women's Ministry with us!
Please register here on ChurchCenter. Price per person for pumpkin supplies $20.00.
Single Moms Ministry
Are you a single mom? Would you like a few hours one night a month with childcare provided to sit back and enjoy time with other single moms?
Women's Ministry is kicking off a Single Mom's Ministry on Thursday, October 26th from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. Come join us for dinner, a devotion, time to relax and chat and leave with a little something for just you to enjoy later in the month.
Registration is open on ChurchCenter or email Kerri Casteel at
Due West UMC has its very own fitness program offering classes for all levels and open to anyone age 12 and up. Classes are $4.00 (includes childcare on Monday, Wednesday & Friday) and you can find our class schedule on Facebook at Due West Adult Fitness Classes. Punch Cards are also available and cover 11 classes for $40.00. These cards are available from the class instructors.
College Care Ministry Signup
Parents, help us stay in touch with your college students! We would like to send them periodic mailings to remind them how much they are loved and supported by our Due West family!
Complete the online form through the link below to be sure your student is included. This form must be filled out each year to ensure we have the most current address.
If you have any questions, contact Michelle Zerkle 678-230-7313 or send an email to
Congregational Care Ministry
James 5:14, “Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the Church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.”
In His ministry on earth, Jesus showed that He cared about the needs of the people. We are all given individual gifts to serve, help and teach. Jesus saw people as individuals and addressed their needs in spiritual and physical ways. As we follow His example, we are reminded in Matthew 25:40, “ Truly, I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
Just a few years ago, we trained our first class of Congregational Care Ministers to meet our congregation’s physical and spiritual needs. Today, we are blessed with nineteen CCMs who have felt the call to minister to the needs of our congregation alongside our Pastors. CCMs will visit when you are ill and walk alongside you as you grieve the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, or any life crisis.
Grief Share classes are offered twice a year. CCMs are available to serve Holy Communion in your home when you are unable to come to services as well as administer healing oils that remind us of God’s presence supporting us in body, mind, and spirit. We pray for you daily and send encouraging cards and notes as we walk alongside you during difficult times.
Our ministry is ready and waiting to be there for you when you need us. To be assigned a CCM, please contact Pastor David Campbell or lay leader, Brenda Wyatt at, 770-605-3709.
In His Service by Your Side,
Brenda Wyatt
Congregational Care Minister
GriefShare - Comforting Others
After the funeral, when the cards and flowers have stopped coming, most of the people around you return to their normal lives, but your grief continues and you may feel alone. Often, friends and family want to help you, but don't know how. That's the reason for GriefShare. GriefShare is a network of over 15,000 churches and grief support groups. Our group is led by caring people who have experienced grief due to the loss of a loved one and have successfully rebuilt their lives. We will walk with you on the long path through grief toward healing and hope for the future. The program is nondenominational and features biblical concepts for healing from your grief.
This support group meets weekly on Sundays from 6:00 to 8:00 pm in Bldg. C, Room 242. The next 13-week cycle starts September 17, 2023.
If you have any questions or are interested in participating, please contact Connie at or 904-651-2732.
Dementia Talk- September, 2023
Loving Through Dementia’s support groups are made up care partners from many different denominations throughout our community and beyond. They have taught me that so often they feel isolated… forgotten by their faith community. Why is that, I wondered, and I thought … surely our faith leaders do not know that there is such a sense of abandonment within their own congregations. We must help them know and understand. Our Multi-faith and Community Leaders’ Workshop was born. Many of you have helped make these workshops happen.
This annual workshop, posted on our website, provides devoted, expert dementia speakers … dementia advocates and educators to help other faith communities, and also individuals, to better love and better serve families facing dementia. They teach us to communicate with people living with dementia.
Retired Bishop Kenneth Carder tells us that the Church has a unique opportunity … to truly love these often forgotten families, and to become better disciples along the way.
What can one person do to help? Dementia Knowledge is a good start: Still Standing: A Guide for Loving through Dementia, found on the Home Page of provides a basic dementia knowledge. Our Action Plan tells us that we can pray, call, text, send cards, take a meal. It also helps us know how to visit and communicate. Thank you for what you have already done, and for all you might do for families facing dementia.
Altar Flowers/LifeCare
We are looking for 1-2 volunteers to help with our Altar Flower/LifeCare ministry. When someone purchases flowers for the altar, they have the option to take the arrangement home or donate it to LifeCare. The arrangements that are donated to LifeCare are split into multiple smaller bouquets and delivered to church members that are on the prayer list. The time commitment involves coming to the church on a Monday morning, if altar flowers were purchased that week, to assemble the bouquets and then deliver them to the recipients. Ideally, you would assist not more than once a month. If you love flowers and enjoy putting a smile on someone’s face, please consider volunteering for this opportunity! If you have any questions, please contact Denise Luders at
Sunday School Volunteers
dwKids Sunday School Volunteers - Contact Alicia Iles at for details.
Join Our Usher Team
We are in need of ushers for the 11:00 am church service in Building A. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Dianne Harrison at or 678-522-4909.
Online Giving
You can give online using your smartphone, tablet or computer. Click here to begin giving through our system. Contact Amber Wilson at if you have any questions.
Due West Market
Click here to shop! We are taking orders for congregational name tags!
Altar Flowers
Honor a loved one with altar flowers displayed in front of the pulpit on Sunday mornings. Learn More & Purchase
Prayer Requests
Need prayer? Click here to submit a prayer request!